Meta Ontology
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jest wyrażony w
The Reality of Absences
Getting Grounded: Essays in the Metaphysics of Fundamentality
Abelard's Theory of Relations: Reductionism and the Aristotelian Tradition
Review of Trenton Merricks, Truth and Ontology
Facts as Truthmakers
Truth Makers, Truth Predicates, and Truth Types
Truthmaking as Essential Dependence
Relations and Truthmaking
On Simple Facts
Metaphysical Grounding: Understanding the Structure of Reality
Truthmaking Without Necessitation
Truth and Ontology
Deflationary Truthmaking
Two Concepts of Trope
Sachverhalte, Objekte Und Supervenienz. Brentano, Marty Und Meinong
How Not to Defend Ontological Cheats
For Keeping Truth in Truthmaking
Why Truthmakers
Putting the World Back Into Semantics
What Difference Might and May Make
A Platonic Theory of Truthmaking
V\'erifacteurs Pour des V\'erit\'es Modales
An Essay on Facts (Csli Lecture Notes)
Truthmakers: The Contemporary Debate
Resemblance Nominalism
Combinatorialism and the Possibility of Nothing
Does Armstrong Need States of Affairs?
Truthmaker Theory
Truth-Making Without Truth-Makers
Minimal Truthmakers
Kaplan Rigidity, Time, and Modality
Trenton Merricks' Truth and Ontology
Metaphor and Truth-Makers
Truthmaking for Presentists
Truthmaking and Supervenience
Ontological Cheats Might Just Prosper
Setting the Facts Straight
Objects, Properties and States of Affairs. An Aristotelian Ontology of Truth Making
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Difficult Cases in the Theory of Truthmaking
The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, Lectures 7-8
Truthmaker Gaps and the No-No Paradox
Truth Makers for Modal Propositions
There is No 'Truthmaker' Argument Against Nominalism
Variable Objects and Truthmaking
Introduction: Logic, Meaning, and Truth-Making States of Affairs in Philosophical Semantics
The Truth About the Past and the Future
Truthmaking, Recombination, and Facts Ontology
A Defense of Lucretianism
One Way to Face Facts
What Truth Depends On
The Least Discerning and Most Promiscuous Truthmaker
Truthmakers for Negative Truths
Negatives, Numbers, and Necessity Some Worries About Armstrong's Version of Truthmaking
Truthmakers, the Past, and the Future
How to Derive a 'Not' From an 'Is': A Defense of the Incompatibility View of Negative Truths
Logical Atomism and its Ontological Refinement: A Defense
Presentism and Truthmaking
The Truthmaker Account Is Not a Causal Theory
Thought Experiments, Ontology, and Concept-Dependent Truthmakers
Straightening Priority Out
Truth-Maker Optimalism Peter Simons
Truthmaking, Metaethics, and Creeping Minimalism
Intentionality and Truth-Making: Augustine's Influence on Burley and Wyclif 's Propositional Semantics
Deflationism and the Dependence of Truth on Reality
Existence, Proof and Truth-Making: A Perspective on the Intuitionistic Conception of Truth
Identity Makers
Truthmakers and the Groundedness of Truth
The World and Truth About What Is Not
Searle's Correspondence Theory of Truth and the Slingshot
Facts and Classes as Complexes and as Truth Makers
What Can the Problem of Mixed Inferences Teach Us About Alethic Pluralism?
Continuants and Occurrents, II
Truth, Correspondence and Deflationism
Lewis's Animadversions on the Truthmaker Principle
If You Believe in Positive Facts, You Should Believe in Negative Facts
Being and Truth
The True and the False
Truthmaking, Truth, and Realism: New Work for a Theory of Truthmakers
Truth in Virtue of Meaning
On Truthmakers for Negative Truths
Presentism and Truthmaking
Scheme-Based Alethic Realism: Agency, the Environment, and Truthmaking
Time for Distribution?
Truthmakers for Modal Truths
Things Qua Truthmakers
Events, Tropes, and Truthmaking
The Old Problem of Complex and Fact
Reply to Heil
Relations de V\'erifaction. \'Etude Critique de : E. J. Lowe Et A. Rami (Dir.), Truth and Truth-Making, Stocksfield, Acumen, 2009, 262 P.\'Etude Critique de : E. J. Lowe Et A. Rami (Dir.), Truth and Truth-Making, Stocksfield, Acumen, 2009, 262 P
Not Every Truth has a Truthmaker II
Making Sense of Truth-Makers
Truthmaking and the Gettier Problem
Truthmakers: A Tale of Two Explanatory Projects
Orthodox Truthmaker Theory Cannot Be Defended by Cost/Benefit Analysis
Truthmakers and Modality
Smith on Truthmakers
Truthmaking and the Slingshot
Presentism, Truthmakers and Distributional Properties
Truth-Making and the Alethic Undecidability of the Liar
Truthmakers and Explanation
Russell and Richard Brinkley on the Unity of the Proposition
How Negative Truths Are Made True
Truthmaker Explanations
Truth and the Visual Field
Russell's Early Metaphysics of Propositions
The Reality of Numbers: A Physicalist's Philosophy of Mathematics
Recent Work: Time
$\in$ : Formal Concepts in a Material World Truthmaking and Exemplification as Types of Determination
Two Dogmas of Truthmaking
Truthmakers, Knowledge and Paradox
Problems From Armstrong
The Truthmaking Argument Against Dispositionalism
Reply to Cheyne and Pigden
Sketch for a Systematic Metaphysics
The Philosophy of Logical Atomism
A Logic of Justification and Truthmaking
The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, Lectures 1-2
Truthmaking: A Cognition-Independent Internal Relation with Heterogeneous Relata
Replies to Cameron, Schaffer, and Soames
The Problem of Universals and the Limits of Conceptual Analysis
Necessity and Triviality
Properties as Truthmakers
Truthmakers Without Truth
'Is True'and 'Makes-True': Two Predicates Without Properties
The Legacy of Linguisticism
Truthmakers for What?
Truth Without Truthmaking Entities
Truth-Making and Analysis: A Reply to Rodriguez-Pereyra
Presentism and Properties
Truths and Processes: A Critical Approach to Truthmaker Theory
A Unified Theory of Truth and Reference
Metaphysics and Truthmakers
The Trouble with Truth-Makers
Priority Monism, Partiality, and Minimal Truthmakers
Truthmaking and Case-Making
Truthmaker Realism
There's No Existent Like 'No Existence' Like No Existent I Know
Relational Truthmakers
Truthmaking and the Alleged Need for Relevance
Necessary Truth and Proof
Constraints on Correspondence
Negative States of Affairs: Reinach Versus Ingarden
Trivial Truthmaking Matters
Truth-Making and Correspondence
Forget About the `Correspondence Theory of Truth'
Truth and Truthmakers
Negative Truths From Positive Facts?
Defending Truthmaker NonMaximalism
From Humean Truthmaker Theory to Priority Monism
Tenseless/Non-Modal Truthmakers for Tensed/Modal Truths
So Where's the Explanation?
Truthmaking for Modal Skeptics
Pr\'ecis of Truth and Ontology
Truthmaker Commitments
The Grounding Problem and Presentist Explanations
Expressivism About Making and Truth-Making
Groundless Truth
A Discussion of a Certain Type of Negative Proposition
Transubstantiation, Tropes and Truthmakers
Grounding is Not a Strict Order
Resemblance Nominalism and Counterparts: Reply to Bird
A Theory of Presentism
Truthmaking Without Truthmakers
Truthmaking: With and Without Counterpart Theory
How It Is: Entities, Absences and Voids
Sketch for a Systematic Metaphysics
The Hard Road to Presentism
The Problem with TruthmakerGap Epistemicism
Postscript to Why Truthmakers
Powerful Qualities, Not Pure Powers
Dispositional Modal Truthmakers and the Necessary Origin
Senex Erit Puer: Truthmakers for Tensed Sentences
Bradley's Regress, Truthmaking, and ConstitutionBradley's Regress, Truthmaking, and Constitution
Do We Need a New Theory of Truthmaking? Some Comments on Disjunction Thesis, Conjunction Thesis, Entailment Principle and Explanation
Introduction (to the Special Issue on Ontological Commitment)
Truthmaking, Entailment, and the Conjunction Thesis
Truth and Truth-Making
A World of States of Affairs
A Critique of Armstrong's Truthmaking Account of Possibility
Realism, Truthmakers, and Language: A Study in Meta-Ontology and the Relationship Between Language and Metaphysics
The Ontology of 'Cases'
Change, Difference, and Orthodox Truthmaker Theory
Truth and Truthmakers by D. M. Armstrong. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. XII+158. \textsterling40, \textsterling17.99
Is Nondefectively Justified True Belief Knowledge?
Truthmakers, Truthbearers and the Objectivity of Truth
Marty on Truth-Making
The Dependence of Truth on Being: Is There a Problem for Minimalism?
Showing the Time
A World of Truthmakers?
Postscript to ''Things Qua Truthmakers': Negative Existentials
The Alleged Supervenience of Everything on Microphysics
The Grounding Problem and Presentist Explanations
Truthmakers and Predication
Defending Quine on Ontological Commitment
Truthmakers and the Direct Argument
Truthmakers, Realism and Ontology
Substantial Simplicity in Leibniz
How Truth Depends Upon Being
Expressibility and Truthmaker Maximalism: A Problem
Vingt Ans Apres
The Logical Structure of Truthmaking
Kuenne on Conceptions of Truth
Truthmakers, Entailment and Necessity
Truthmaker Realism: Response to Gregory
Why Should the Truthmaker Principle Be Restricted?
On Some Alleged Truthmakers for Negatives
Truthmaking And Pragmatist Conceptions Of Truth And Reality
A World of Truthmakers
Essential Dependence, Truthmaking, and Mereology: Then and Now
Modal Truthmakers and Two Varieties of Actualism
Partnership in Truth-Making
Realism Beyond Correspondence
Truthmakers and the Converse Barcan Formula
Testimony and Gettier: A Reply to Vance
Presentism and Distributional Properties
Truth and Ontology, by Trenton Merricks
A Truthmaker Indispensability Argument
Armstrong on Truthmaking
Talking About the Past
From Grounding to Truth-Making: Some Thoughts
Characteristica Universalis
A New Solution to the Problem of Negative Truth
Heil's Two-Category Ontology and Causation
Being Positive About Negative Facts
'Making True'
Comments on Merricks'struth and Ontology
What the Deflationist May Say About Truthmaking
Negative Truths and Truthmaker Principles
The Construction of Social Reality
Logic and the Sachverhalt
Truth-Maker Semantics for Intuitionistic Logic
The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, Lectures 3-4
Presentism and the Objection From Being-Supervenience
Truth-Making and Divine Eternity
Continuants and Occurrents, I
Truthmakers for Negative Truths, and for Truths of Mere Possibility
+ Show more
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truthmaker maximalism
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