Label Język Typ
Avicenna and the Problem of Universals en rdfs:label


Identyczne obiekty


Data properties

  • is published in

    • 2009
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Bahlul2009-BAHAAT,number = {1/2},year = {2009},title = {Avicenna and the Problem of Universals},journal = {Philosophy and Theology},volume = {21},pages = {3--25},abstract = {The main object of this paper is to clarify and evaluate Avicenna's view of universals, in light of some modern and contemporarydiscussions. According to Avicenna, universality is a contingent attribute of entities that are in themselves neither universal norparticular. An account of universality as a contingent attribute is offered which clarifies and gives additional support to Avicenna'sview. Nevertheless, it will be argued that Avicenna, through his use of such terms as ''nature'' and ''quiddity,'' faces the same problemswhich he attributes to his predecessors},author = {Raja Bahlul}}@
  • has title

    • Avicenna and the Problem of Universals
  • last page

    • 25
  • first page

    • 3