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Alexy on Necessity in Law and Morals en rdfs:label


Same Individuals


Data properties

  • is published in

    • 2012
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Patterson2012-PATAON,abstract = {Robert Alexy has built his original theory of law upon pervasive claims for ''necessary'' features of law. In this article, I show that Alexy's claims suffer from two difficulties. First, Alexy is never clear about what he means by ''necessity.'' Second, Alexy writes as if there have been no challenges to claims of conceptual necessity. There have been such challenges and Alexy needs to answer them if his project is to succeed},journal = {Ratio Juris},volume = {25},author = {Dennis Patterson},number = {1},year = {2012},pages = {47--58},title = {Alexy on Necessity in Law and Morals}}@
  • has title

    • Alexy on Necessity in Law and Morals
  • last page

    • 58
  • first page

    • 47