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How Truth Depends Upon Being en rdfs:label


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  • first page

    • 370
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{MacBride2014-MACHTD-2,number = {3},abstract = {According to Armstrong (amongst others) `any truth, should depend for its truth for something ''outside'' it' where this one-way dependency is explained in terms of the asymmetric relationship that obtains between a truth and its truth-maker. But there's no need to appeal to truth-makers to make sense of this dependency. The truth of a proposition is essentially determined by the interlocking semantic mechanism of reference and satisfaction which already ensures that the truth-value of a proposition depends on how things stand outside it. By contrast, how things stand outside of a proposition is determined by other worldly mechanisms that have nothing to do with truth},journal = {Analysis},year = {2014},author = {Fraser MacBride},title = {How Truth Depends Upon Being},volume = {74},pages = {370--378}}@
  • has title

    • How Truth Depends Upon Being
  • is published in

    • 2014
  • last page

    • 378