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Die Intentionalit\"atstheorie Anton Martys en rdfs:label


Same Individuals


Data properties

  • first page

    • 175
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Chrudzimski2001-CHRDIA,volume = {62},abstract = {The point of departure for Anton Marty's theory of intentionality is Franz Brentano's ontology of intentionality as outlined in the unpublished manuscript of his logic-lectures from the second half of the 1880's. This rich ontology comprises immanent objects, immanent propositional contents and (transcendent) states of affairs. The late Marty rejects all immanent entities in Brentano's sense and explains intentionality in terms of counterfactualconditionals.However,contraryto the late Brentano,he insists on the indispensability of the category of (transcendent) states of affairs . Consequently Marty can formulate a realistic theory of truth, while Brentano holds an epistemic theory of truth.},journal = {Grazer Philosophische Studien},number = {1},year = {2001},title = {Die Intentionalit\"atstheorie Anton Martys},pages = {175--214},author = {Arkadiusz Chrudzimski}}@
  • has title

    • Die Intentionalit\"atstheorie Anton Martys
  • is published in

    • 2001
  • last page

    • 214