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Physical Change in Plato's Timaeus en rdfs:label


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  • is published in

    • 2013
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Prince2013-PRIPCI,journal = {Apeiron},pages = {1--19},author = {Brian D. Prince},title = {Physical Change in Plato's Timaeus},abstract = {In this paper I ask how Timaeus explains change within the trianglebased part of his cosmos. Two common views are that change among physical items is somehow caused or enabled by either the forms or the demiurge. I argue for a competing view, on which the physical items are capable of bringing about change by themselves, prior to the intervention of the demiurge, and prior to their being turned into imitations of the forms. I outline three problems for the view that physical things depend on the forms for their causal powers, and show how the view I propose solves each. I then add further arguments for my view, based on (a) statements by Timaeus that seem to favor my view directly, (b) implications of Timaeus' positions that favor the view, and (c) Timaeus' explanatory practice in the second half of his speech.},year = {2013}}@
  • has title

    • Physical Change in Plato's Timaeus
  • last page

    • 19
  • first page

    • 1