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Creative Metaphors, Synchronicity, and Quantum Physics en rdfs:label


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  • pierwsza strona

    • 101
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @article{Frentz2011-FRECMS,volume = {44},pages = {101--128},author = {Thomas Frentz},abstract = {The very notion of transposition, the constant theme of a theory of tropes, brings operations into play that legitimate a mixed approach involving psychology and linguistics.The recognition that science cannot do without metaphor---that all theories are elaborations of basic metaphors or systems of metaphors---is only one part of a larger emerging awareness of the pervasiveness of metaphor in all language.Metaphor always has about it precisely this revealing of hitherto unexpected connectives which we may note in the progressions of a dream.In 1974 I published a psycholinguistic study of metaphor (Frentz 1974, 125-33). Scaled down and carved up from my master's thesis, it was a "crucial experiment" that used some ..},year = {2011},number = {2},journal = {Philosophy and Rhetoric},title = {Creative Metaphors, Synchronicity, and Quantum Physics}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Creative Metaphors, Synchronicity, and Quantum Physics
  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 2011
  • ostatnia strona

    • 128