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Singular Propositions and the A Priori en rdfs:label


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Data properties

  • first page

    • 107
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Wong1996-WONSPA,pages = {107--116},title = {Singular Propositions and the A Priori},author = {Kai-Yee Wong},volume = {21},journal = {Journal of Philosophical Research},abstract = {In Frege's Puzzle, Nathan Salmon argues that his theory of singular propositions enables him to refute Saul Kripke's claim that some identity statements are necessary and yet a posteriori. In this paper, through a critical examination of Salmon's rejoinders to my earlier objections to his argument, I show what implications the theory of singular propositions has for the notion of apriority. I argue that Salmon's handling of the `trivialization problem,' which presents serious difficulties for his `absolute' account of apriority, leaves a great deal to be desired. I suggest, in conclusion, that the theorist of singular propositions should hold a relative view of apriority},year = {1996}}@
  • has title

    • Singular Propositions and the A Priori
  • is published in

    • 1996
  • last page

    • 116