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The Aesthetic Peculiarity of Multifunctional Artefacts en rdfs:label


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Data properties

  • is published in

    • 2005
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{DeClercq2005-DECTAP,year = {2005},number = {4},journal = {British Journal of Aesthetics},pages = {412--425},volume = {45},abstract = {Echoing a distinction made by David Wiggins in his discussion of the relation of identity, this paper investigates whether aesthetic adjectives such as `beautiful' are sortal-relative or merely sortal-dependent. The hypothesis guiding the paper is that aesthetic adjectives, though probably sortal-dependent in general, are sortal-relative only when used to characterize multifunctional artefacts. This means that multifunctional artefacts should be unique in allowing the following situation to occur: for some object x there are sortals K and K' such that x is a beautiful K and also a K', but not a beautiful K'. Examples of multifunctional artefacts show that this is indeed a possibility. However, that multifunctional artefacts are unique in this respect will be demonstrated by a more principled argument, taking into account the nature of functions on the one hand, and the nature of artefact-classification on the other hand.},title = {The Aesthetic Peculiarity of Multifunctional Artefacts},author = {Rafael De Clercq}}@
  • has title

    • The Aesthetic Peculiarity of Multifunctional Artefacts
  • last page

    • 425
  • first page

    • 412