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Intrinsic Properties of Quantum Systems en rdfs:label


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  • is published in

    • 2009
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Hajicek2009-HJEIPO,number = {5},year = {2009},title = {Intrinsic Properties of Quantum Systems},journal = {Foundations of Physics},volume = {39},pages = {411--432},abstract = {A new realist interpretation of quantum mechanics is introduced. Quantum systems are shown to have two kinds of properties: the usual ones described by values of quantum observables, which are called extrinsic, and those that can be attributed to individual quantum systems without violating standard quantum mechanics, which are called intrinsic. The intrinsic properties are classified into structural and conditional. A systematic and self-consistent account is given. Much more statements become meaningful than any version of Copenhagen interpretation would allow. A new approach to classical properties and measurement problem is suggested. A quantum definition of classical states is proposed},author = {P. H\'aj\'iek and J. Tolar}}@
  • has title

    • Intrinsic Properties of Quantum Systems
  • last page

    • 432
  • first page

    • 411