Label Language Type
Substance en rdfs:label


Same Individuals


Object properties

Data properties

  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @article{Russell1927-BERS-4,journal = {Philosophy},year = {1927},number = {05},pages = {20-},author = {Bertrand Russell},title = {Substance},volume = {2},abstract = {The question of substance in the philosophy of physics has three branches: logical, physical, and epistemological. The first is a problem in pure philosophy: is the notion of '' substance '' in any sense a '' category,'' i.e. forced upon us by the general nature either of facts or of knowledge? The second is a question of the interpretation of mathematical physics: is it (a) necessary, or (b) convenient to interpret our formulae in terms of permanent entities with changing states and relations? The third concerns the relation of perception to the physical world.}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Substance
  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 1927