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Infinite Regress Arguments and the Problem of Universals en rdfs:label


Same Individuals


Data properties

  • first page

    • 191
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Armstrong1974-ARMIRA,abstract = {What is it for a particular to have a property? many proposed analyses of this situation may be called relational accounts. The particular has some relation, R, To some entity p. R may be the relation of falling under, Being a member of, Resembling or "participating." p may be a predicate, A concept, A class, A paradigm instance or a form. A number of arguments seek to prove that all these accounts are involved in various vicious infinite regresses. These arguments are classified, Their resemblances and differences noted, And their soundness assessed. (edited)},pages = {191--201},volume = {52},author = {D. M. Armstrong},title = {Infinite Regress Arguments and the Problem of Universals},year = {1974},number = {3},journal = {Australasian Journal of Philosophy}}@
  • has title

    • Infinite Regress Arguments and the Problem of Universals
  • is published in

    • 1974
  • last page

    • 201