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La Interpretaci\'on Como Evento Cognitivo Expresado En Razonamientos Abductivos en rdfs:label


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  • first page

    • 231
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Navarro2012-NAVLIC,volume = {35},year = {2012},number = {3},abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to argue that abductive reasoning is part of a cognitive process of interpreting something as being something. The paper holds two fundamental claims. First, it proposes a definition of interpretation as a type of cognitive event. Second, it is argued that in some cases the activity of interpreting is a process to search for plausible assumptions for consistent explanatory hypotheses formation. As a result of these two theses, it is concluded that logic of interpretation could enrich and extend the study of so-called reproduction or hypothesis generation. The treatment given here to abduction is contrasted and integrated into the history of studies on logical pattern of abduction and its applications.},journal = {Trans/Form/A\c{c}\ao},author = {Mar\'ia G. Navarro},pages = {231--252},title = {La Interpretaci\'on Como Evento Cognitivo Expresado En Razonamientos Abductivos}}@
  • has title

    • La Interpretaci\'on Como Evento Cognitivo Expresado En Razonamientos Abductivos
  • is published in

    • 2012
  • last page

    • 252