Label Język Typ
States of Affairs, Events, and Propositions en rdfs:label


Identyczne obiekty


Data properties

  • first page

    • 147
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Kim1979-KIMSOA,pages = {147--162},year = {1979},title = {States of Affairs, Events, and Propositions},volume = {7},abstract = {States of affairs constitute a basic ontological category in Chisholm's metaphysical system, and yield events and propositions as subclasses. Qua events, they enter into causal relations, and qua propositions, they are objects of our intentional attitudes. This paper expounds and critically examines Chisholm's conception of a state of affairs and his constructions of events and propositions. Various difficulties with some of Chisholm's definitions and procedures are pointed out and discussed. The last section contains a set of suggested modifications to the theory to avoid these difficulties},author = {Jaegwon Kim},journal = {Grazer Philosophische Studien}}@
  • has title

    • States of Affairs, Events, and Propositions
  • is published in

    • 1979
  • last page

    • 162