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Chemical Elements and the Problem of Universals en rdfs:label


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Data properties

  • first page

    • 225
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Sharlow2006-SHACEA,volume = {8},pages = {225--242},abstract = {In this paper, I explore a seldom-recognized connection between the ontology of abstract objects and a current issue in the philosophy of chemistry. Specifically, I argue that realism with regard to universals implies a view of chemical elements similar to F.A. Paneth's thesis about the dual nature of the concept of element.},author = {M. F. Sharlow},number = {3},year = {2006},title = {Chemical Elements and the Problem of Universals},journal = {Foundations of Chemistry}}@
  • has title

    • Chemical Elements and the Problem of Universals
  • is published in

    • 2006
  • last page

    • 242