Label Language Type
Indigenous and Scientific Kinds en rdfs:label


Same Individuals


Data properties

  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{LudwigForthcoming-LUDIAS,journal = {British Journal for the Philosophy of Science},author = {David Ludwig},title = {Indigenous and Scientific Kinds},year = {forthcoming},abstract = {The aim of this article is to discuss the relation between indigenous and scientific kinds on the basis of contemporary ethnobiological research. I argue that ethnobiological accounts of taxonomic convergence-divergence patters challenge common philosophical models of the relation between folk concepts and natural kinds. Furthermore, I outline a positive model of taxonomic convergence-divergence patterns that is based on Slater's [2014] notion of ''stable property clusters'' and Franklin-Hall's [2014] discussion of natural kinds as ''categorical bottlenecks.'' Finally, I argue that this model is not only helpful for understanding the relation between indigenous and scientific kinds but also makes substantial contributions to contemporary debates about natural contemporary debates about natural kinds.}}@
  • has title

    • Indigenous and Scientific Kinds