Meta Ontology
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Lewis' definition of perdurance and endurance
abstract of $\in$ : Formal Concepts in a Material World Truthmaking and Exemplification as Types of Determination
abstract of ''Mirage Realism'' or ''Positivism in Naturalism's Clothing''?
abstract of ''This is Not Art'' --- Should We Go Revisionist About Works of Art?
abstract of 'Can' Without Possible Worlds: Semantics for Anti-Humeans
abstract of 'Four-Dimensionalism' - Analiza I Interpretacja
abstract of 'That'-Clauses and Non-Nominal Quantification
abstract of 'Wholly Present' Defined
abstract of 4-D Objects and Disposition Ascriptions
abstract of A Certain Kind of Trinity: Dependence, Substance, Explanation
abstract of A Comparative and Developmental Approach to Cognitive Universals: A Possible Role for Heterochrony
abstract of A Counterfactual Analysis of the Concepts of Logical Truth and Necessity
abstract of A Critique of Armstrong's Truthmaking Account of Possibility
abstract of A Critique of Empiricist Propensity Theories
abstract of A Defense of Lucretianism
abstract of A Defense of the Kripkean Account of Logical Truth in First-Order Modal Logic
abstract of A Deflationary Theory of Reference
abstract of A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God and Other Writings
abstract of A Different Kind of Natural Kind
abstract of A Dilemma for Kant's Theory of Substance
abstract of A Dual-Component View of Propositional Grasping
abstract of A Formal Foundation for Process Modeling
abstract of A Functionalist Theory of Properties
abstract of A Logic for Propositions with Indefinite Truth Values
abstract of A Logic of Justification and Truthmaking
abstract of A Metaphysics for Freedom
abstract of A Modal Argument Against Vague Objects
abstract of A Neo-Aristotelian Substance Ontology: Neither Relational nor Constituent
abstract of A Note on Categorical Properties and Contingent Identity
abstract of A Note on the Aesthetics of Mirror Reversal
abstract of A Philosophical Conception of Propositional Modal Logic
abstract of A Philosophical Guide to Chance: Physical Probability
abstract of A Platonic Theory of Truthmaking
abstract of A Plea for Things That Are Not Quite All There: Or, Is There a Problem About Vague Composition and Vague Existence?
abstract of A Posteriori Knowledge of Natural Kind Essences
abstract of A Powerful Theory of Causation
abstract of A Pragmatic Defense of Millianism
abstract of A Pragmatic Realism: Events, Powers, and Relations in the Metaphysics of Objective Relativism
abstract of A Problem with Structured Propositions
abstract of A Puzzle About Properties
abstract of A Return to the Analogy of Being
abstract of A Simulacrum Account of Dispositional Properties
abstract of A Slim Book About Narrow Content
abstract of A Taxonomy of Cognitive Artifacts: Function, Information, and Categories
abstract of A Taxonomy of Granular Partitions
abstract of A Theory of Presentism
abstract of A Truthmaker Indispensability Argument
abstract of A Unified Theory of Truth and Reference
abstract of A World of Contingencies
abstract of A World of Fields
abstract of A World of States of Affairs
abstract of A World of Truthmakers
abstract of Abailard on Collective Realism
abstract of About Property Identity
abstract of Absolute Generality
abstract of Absolute Generality
abstract of Abstract Objects and the Semantics of Natural Language
abstract of Acosmism or Weak Individuals?: Hegel, Spinoza, and the Reality of the Finite
abstract of Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional Content. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives
abstract of Action and Existence: A Case for Agent Causation
abstract of Adapting Aquinas
abstract of Adapting Clinical Ontologies in Real-World Environments
abstract of Adventures in the Metaontology of Art: Local Descriptivism, Artefacts and Dreamcatchers
abstract of After Substance: How Aristotle's Question Still Bears on the Philosophy of Chemistry
abstract of Against Bare Particulars a Response to Moreland and Pickavance
abstract of Against Fantology
abstract of Against Relativism: Cultural Diversity and the Search for Ethical Universals in Medicine
abstract of Against Vague Existence
abstract of Against \_Truth\_
abstract of Against the Argument From Convention
abstract of Against the Compositional View of Facts
abstract of Against the Maximality Principle
abstract of Against the Modal Argument
abstract of Against the Monism of the Moment: A Reply to Elliott Sober
abstract of Against the Possibility of Historical Evidence for Miracles
abstract of Agency, Properties and Causation
abstract of Agent Causation
abstract of Agent Causation Before and After the Ontological Turn
abstract of Agent Causation and Acting for Reasons
abstract of Agent Causation and the Alleged Impossibility of Rational Free Action
abstract of Agent Causation as the Solution to All the Compatibilist's Problems
abstract of Agent-Causation and Agential Control
abstract of Agent-Causation, Explanation, and Akrasia: A Reply to Levy's Hard Luck
abstract of Alexy on Necessity in Law and Morals
abstract of Alien Individuals, Alien Universals, and Armstrong's Combinatorial Theory of Possibility
abstract of Alternative Combining Operations in Extensive Measurement
abstract of Amstrongian Particulars with Necessary Properties
abstract of An Analysis of Properties in John Heil's "From an Ontological Point of View\&Quot;
abstract of An Anti-Individualistic Semantics for 'Empty' Natural Kind Terms
abstract of An Argument for the Existence of Tropes
abstract of An Argument for the Many
abstract of An Experiential Account of Creativity
abstract of An Old Argument Against Co-Location
abstract of An\'alisis Nominalista de Una Entidad Que Est\'a Siendo Caracterizada / ''Nominalist Analyses of an Entity Being Charactered
abstract of Analyses of Intrinsicality in Terms of Naturalness
abstract of Analytical Philosophy in Comparative Perspective
abstract of Analyticity and Conceptual Revision
abstract of Anaphoric Reference to Facts, Propositions, and Events
abstract of Anontology and the Issue of Being and Nothing in Nishida Kitar
abstract of Anti-Positionalism's Regress
abstract of Are Conservation Laws Metaphysically Necessary?
abstract of Are Physical Properties Dispositions?
abstract of Are Propositions Sets of Possible Worlds?
abstract of Are There Different Kinds of Content?
abstract of Are There Necessary Connections in Nature?
abstract of Are There a Posteriori Conceptual Necessities?
abstract of Arguments by Leibniz's Law in Metaphysics
abstract of Aristotelian Realist Philosophy of Mathematics
abstract of Aristotelianism in the Philosophy of Mathematics
abstract of Aristotle on Nature and Incomplete Substance
abstract of Aristotle on Nonsubstantial Individuals
abstract of Aristotle on Platonic Recollection and the Paradox of Knowing Universals: Prior Analytics B.21 67a8-30
abstract of Aristotle on the Identity of Substance and Essence
abstract of Aristotle's Theory of Material Substance: Heat and Pneuma, Form and Soul
abstract of Aristotle's Theory of Substance: The Categories and Metaphysics Zeta
abstract of Aristotle's Universals
abstract of Aristotle's Universe: Its Form and Matter
abstract of Armstrong and the Modal Inversion of Dispositions
abstract of Armstrong on Classes as States of Affairs
abstract of Armstrong on Quantities and Resemblance
abstract of Armstrong on the Spatio-Temporality of Universals
abstract of Armstrong's Conception of Supervenience
abstract of Armstrong's Theory of Properties
abstract of Around the Tree: Semantic and Metaphysical Issues Concerning Branching and the Open Future
abstract of Artefact Kinds: Ontology and the Human-Made World
abstract of Artefacts and Family Resemblance
abstract of Artifact Categorization. Trends and Problems
abstract of Artifact and Essence
abstract of Arts, Agents, Artifacts: Photography's Automatisms
abstract of Ascent, Propositions and Other Formal Objects
abstract of Aspectual Universals of Temporal Anaphora
abstract of Assertion, Context, and Epistemic Accessibility
abstract of Atomism and Natural Necessity
abstract of Avicenna and the Problem of Universals
abstract of Back to Black
abstract of Back to the Primitive: From Substantial Capacities to Prime Matter
abstract of Being Positive About Negative Facts
abstract of Being and Time, \S15: Around-for References and the Content of Mundane Concern
abstract of Bennett on Parts Twice Over
abstract of Berkeley's Argument From Nominalism
abstract of Bertrand Russell I Uniwersalia
abstract of Best Candidates and Theories of Identity
abstract of Beyond Rigidity: The Unfinished Semantic Agenda of Naming and Necessity
abstract of Bio-Agency and the Problem of Action
abstract of Biochemical Kinds
abstract of Biological Individuality: The Identity and Persistence of Living Entities
abstract of Biological Kinds and the Causal Theory of Reference
abstract of Biological Species: Natural Kinds, Individuals, or What?
abstract of Biological Universals and the Nature of Fear
abstract of Bocheski on Property Identity and the Refutation of Universals
abstract of Book Review of 'Teor\'ias Del Juicio' by Gaetano Chiurazzi
abstract of Borowski on the Relative Identity of Persons
abstract of Boundaries in Reality
abstract of Bradley's Regress, Russell's States of Affairs, and Some General Remarks on the Problem
abstract of Bradley's Regress, Truthmaking, and ConstitutionBradley's Regress, Truthmaking, and Constitution
abstract of Brutal Composition
abstract of Can 'Intrinsic' Be Defined Using Only Broadly Logical Notions?
abstract of Can Bare Dispositions Explain Categorical Regularities?
abstract of Can Determinable Properties Earn Their Keep?
abstract of Can God Know More? A Case Study in the Later Medieval Debate About Propositions
abstract of Can Heil's Ontological Conception Accommodate Complex Properties?
abstract of Can I Be an Instantaneous Stage and yet Persist Through Time?
abstract of Can Ontology Do Without Events?
abstract of Can Persistence Be a Matter of Convention?
abstract of Can Primitive Laws Explain?
abstract of Can We Dispense with Space-Time?
abstract of Can the World Help Us in Fixing the Reference of Natural Kind Terms?
abstract of Carving Nature at its Joints: Natural Kinds in Metaphysics and Science
abstract of Causal Essentialism and Mereological Monism
abstract of Causal Independence, the Identity of Indiscernibles, and the Essentiality of Origins
abstract of Causal Necessity and Logical Necessity
abstract of Causal Nominalism and the One Over Many Problem
abstract of Causal Processes and Propensities in Quantum Mechanics
abstract of Causality and Chance in Modern Physics
abstract of Causality, Mind, and Free Will
abstract of Causality, Propensity, and Bayesian Networks
abstract of Causally Redundant Social Objects Rejoinder to Elder-Vass
abstract of Causation and Laws of Nature
abstract of Causation and Universals
abstract of Causation in AI and Law
abstract of Chalmers on the Objects of Credence
abstract of Chance and Temporal Asymmetry
abstract of Chandler on Contingent Identity
abstract of Change Without Change, and How to Observe It in General Relativity
abstract of Characteristica Universalis
abstract of Chemical Elements and the Problem of Universals
abstract of Chicken, Eggs, and Speciation
abstract of Chisholm and the Metaphysical Problem of Human Freedom
abstract of Chisholm's Theory of Agency
abstract of Classical Physical Abstraction
abstract of Classifying Processes: An Essay in Applied Ontology
abstract of Clear and Distinct Perception in Descartes's Philosophy
abstract of Coarsening Brand on Events, While Proliferating Davidsonian Events
abstract of Cognitive Products and the Semantics of Attitude Verbs and Deontic Modals
abstract of Cognitive Universals, Hierarchy, and the History and Practice of Biological Systematics
abstract of Cogs, Dogs, and Robot Frogs
abstract of Collected Papers
abstract of Colocated Objects, Tally-Ho: A Solution to the Grounding Problem
abstract of Combinatorialism and the Possibility of Nothing
abstract of Comments on Merricks'struth and Ontology
abstract of Complexio, Enunciatio, Assensus: The Role of Propositions in Knowledge According to John Buridan
abstract of Compound Objects as Particles in Quantum Mechanics
abstract of Concepts and Properties or Predication and Copulation
abstract of Concepts and Reference: Defending a Dual Theory of Natural Kind Concepts
abstract of Concepts, Normes Et Jugements
abstract of Conceptual Art, Ideas, and Ontology
abstract of Confusion and Dependence in Uses of History
abstract of Conscious Will and Agent Causation
abstract of Constraints on Correspondence
abstract of Contemporary Aristotelian Metaphysics
abstract of Contingent Identity
abstract of Contingent and Necessary Identities
abstract of Contingently Existing Propositions?
abstract of Continuants and Occurrents, I
abstract of Continuants and Occurrents, II
abstract of Continuity or Discontinuity? Some Remarks on Leibniz's Concepts of `Substantia Vivens` and `Organism`
abstract of Could Armstrong Have Been a Universal?
abstract of Could There Have Been Unicorns?
abstract of Counterlegals and Necessary Laws
abstract of Counting and Indeterminate Identity
abstract of Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representation
abstract of Creative Metaphors, Synchronicity, and Quantum Physics
abstract of Crimes and Punishments
abstract of Critical Notice of Alexander Bird, Nature's Metaphysics: Laws and Properties
abstract of Cross-Count Identity, Distinctness, and the Theory of Internal and External Relations
abstract of Cultural Universals and Particulars: An African Perspective
abstract of D. H. MELLOR The Matter of Chance
abstract of Darwinian Metaphysics: Species and the Question of Essentialism
abstract of Davidson, Truth, and Semantic Unity
abstract of De Li Accidiosi Che Son Avversi Al Possibile
abstract of Debating Dispositions. Issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind
abstract of Defending Musical Perdurantism
abstract of Defending Quine on Ontological Commitment
abstract of Defending Truthmaker NonMaximalism
abstract of Deflationism and the Dependence of Truth on Reality
abstract of Deflationism and the Primary Truth Bearer
abstract of Degree Structure as Trope Structure: A Trope-Based Analysis of Positive and Comparative Adjectives
abstract of Deliberation and Reason
abstract of Denby on the Distinction Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties
abstract of Descartes's Substance Dualism and His Independence Conception of Substance
abstract of Descartes, Conceivability, and Logical Modality
abstract of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz: The Concept of Substance in Seventeenth-Century Metaphysics
abstract of Determinable Nominalism
abstract of Determinables and Brute Similarities
abstract of Dialogue on Alternating Consciousness: From Perception to Infinities and Back to Free Will
abstract of Did Kant Conflate the Necessary and the A Priori?
abstract of Die Intentionalit\"atstheorie Anton Martys
abstract of Difficult Cases in the Theory of Truthmaking
abstract of Digital Pictures, Sampling and Vagueness (The Ontology of Digital Pictures)
abstract of Dimensions of Integration in Embedded and Extended Cognitive Systems
abstract of Direct Reference and Singular Propositions
abstract of Discerning Fermions
abstract of Disjunctive Predicates
abstract of Disjunctive Properties and Causal Efficacy
abstract of Dispositional Modal Truthmakers and the Necessary Origin
abstract of Dispositionalism and the Modal Operators
abstract of Dispositions Defined: Harr\'e and Madden on Analyzing Disposition Concepts
abstract of Dividing Reality
abstract of Do We Need a New Theory of Truthmaking? Some Comments on Disjunction Thesis, Conjunction Thesis, Entailment Principle and Explanation
abstract of Does Armstrong Need States of Affairs?
abstract of Does Free Will Remain a Mystery? A Response to Van Inwagen
abstract of Don't Take Unnecessary Chances!
abstract of Double Prevention and Powers
abstract of Duns Scotus and the Problem of Universals
abstract of Duration in Relativistic Spacetime
abstract of E. J. Lowe on Vague Identity and Quantum Indeterminacy
abstract of Eins Neben den Vielen Dingen Und Eins Bei den Vielen Dingen. Anzeichen Einer Alternativen Ontologie Bei Aristoteles
abstract of Eliminativism, Interventionism and the Overdetermination Argument
abstract of Emergent Substance
abstract of Empirically-Informed Modal Rationalism
abstract of Endurance Per Se in B-Time
abstract of Endurance and Discernibility
abstract of Endurance and Time Travel
abstract of Endurance, Perdurance, and Metaontology
abstract of Endurantism and Paradox
abstract of Endurantism, Diachronic Vagueness and the Problem of the Many
abstract of Endurants and Perdurants in Directly Depicting Ontologies
abstract of Enduring States
abstract of Enduring and Perduring Objects in Minkowski Space-Time
abstract of Engineering Differences Between Natural, Social, and Artificial Kinds
abstract of Essays in the Metaphysics of Modality
abstract of Essence and Intrinsicality
abstract of Essence in Abundance
abstract of Essences, Kinds, and Laws of Nature
abstract of Essential Dependence, Truthmaking, and Mereology: Then and Now
abstract of Essentialism, History, and Biological Taxa
abstract of Eternalism and Propositional Multitasking: In Defence of the Operator Argument
abstract of Evading the Slingshot
abstract of Evaluatively Incomplete States of Affairs
abstract of Event-Causal Libertarianism, Functional Reduction, and the Disappearing Agent Argument
abstract of Events
abstract of Events and Semantic Architecture
abstract of Events and Their Names
abstract of Events, Tropes, and Truthmaking
abstract of Events, Truth, and Indeterminacy
abstract of Events: A Metaphysical Study
abstract of Evolutionary Psychology, Human Universals, and the Standard Social Science Model
abstract of Exclusion Principle and the Identity of Indiscernibles: A Response to Margenau's Argument
abstract of Exemplification, Then and Now
abstract of Existence, Proof and Truth-Making: A Perspective on the Intuitionistic Conception of Truth
abstract of Existentialism Entails Anti-Haecceitism
abstract of Explanation and the Quantum State
abstract of Expressibility and Truthmaker Maximalism: A Problem
abstract of Expressing Credences
abstract of Extended Simples and Qualitative Heterogeneity
abstract of Externalism and a Posteriori Semantics
abstract of Fallibilism, Demonstrative Thoughts and Russellian Propositions
abstract of Falsification of Propensity Models by Statistical Tests and the Goodness-of-Fit Paradox
abstract of Fazedores-de-Verdade
abstract of Finite Quantities
abstract of For Keeping Truth in Truthmaking
abstract of Forces
abstract of Foreword to ''Lesser Kinds''
abstract of Foreword to ''Temporal Parts''
abstract of Forget About the `Correspondence Theory of Truth'
abstract of Formal and Existential Analysis of Subject and Properties
abstract of Four Disputes About Properties
abstract of Four Theories of Pure Dispositions
abstract of Free Will: Critical Concepts in Philosophy
abstract of Freedom and Experience: Self-Determination Without Illusions
abstract of Freedom with a Human Face
abstract of Freedom, Necessity, and Laws of Nature as Relations Between Universals
abstract of Fregean Propositions and Their Graspability
abstract of From Constitutional Necessities to Causal Necessities
abstract of From Humean Truthmaker Theory to Priority Monism
abstract of From Times to Worlds and Back Again: A Transcendentist Theory of Persistence
abstract of From Zeno to Arbitrage: Essays on Quantity, Coherence, and Induction
abstract of Functional Kinds-A Skeptical Look
abstract of Gaskin's Ideal Unity
abstract of Genio Maligno y Ser Indigente
abstract of Getting Causes From Powers
abstract of Getting Grounded: Essays in the Metaphysics of Fundamentality
abstract of Ghazali on Immaterial Substances
abstract of God as Substance Without Substance Ontology
abstract of God, Freedom, and Human Agency
abstract of God, Possibility, and Kant
abstract of Goodbye, Humean Supervenience
abstract of Grades of Individuality. A Pluralistic View of Identity in Quantum Mechanics and in the Sciences
abstract of Grammar, Ontology, and the Unity of Meaning
abstract of Grammatical Propositions
abstract of Great Philosophical Debates
abstract of Grounding is Not a Strict Order
abstract of Hacking Away at the Identity of Indiscernibles: Possible Worlds and Einstein's Principle of Equivalence
abstract of Hacking on the Looping Effects of Psychiatric Classifications: What is an Interactive and Indifferent Kind?
abstract of Handeln Und Verursachen
abstract of Happiness and the Willing Agent
abstract of Have Species Become Declasse?
abstract of Heidegger the Metaphysician: ModesofBeing and Grundbegriffe
abstract of Heil's Two-Category Ontology and Causation
abstract of Hic Rhodos, Hic Salta: From Reductionist Semantics to a Realist Ontology of Forceful Dispositions
abstract of Higher-Order One--Many Problems in Plato's Philebus and Recent Australian Metaphysics
abstract of Homology: Homeostatic Property Cluster Kinds in Systematics and Evolution
abstract of How Coincidence Bears on Persistence
abstract of How Do We Get From Propositions to Behavior?
abstract of How Does Agent-\-Causal Power Work?
abstract of How Many Kinds of Glue Hold the Social World Together?
abstract of How Negative Truths Are Made True
abstract of How Serious is Our Ontological Commitment to Events as Individuals?
abstract of How Simple Is the Simplicity of Truth? Reconciling the Mathematics and the Metaphysics of Truth
abstract of How Truth Depends Upon Being
abstract of How to Be a Nominalist in Realist Clothing
abstract of How to Define Extrinsic Properties
abstract of How to Derive a 'Not' From an 'Is': A Defense of the Incompatibility View of Negative Truths
abstract of How to Endure
abstract of How to Individuate Universals---Or Not
abstract of How to Link Particulars to Universals: Four Versions of Bradley's Regress Refuted
abstract of How to Rule Out Disjunctive Properties
abstract of Human Rights Theory Rooted in the Writings of Thomas Aquinas
abstract of Hume on Induction: A Genuine Problem or Theology's Trojan Horse?
abstract of Hume on the Cartesian Theory of Substance
abstract of Humean Dispositionalism
abstract of Humphrey's Paradox and the Interpretation of Inverse Conditional Propensities
abstract of Hylemorphic Animalism
abstract of Hylomorphism Reconditioned
abstract of Hyperintensional Propositions
abstract of Idealization and Formalism in Bohr's Approach to Quantum Theory
abstract of Identical Particles in Quantum Mechanics Revisited
abstract of Identificational Sentences
abstract of Identit\`a Indeterminate E Indeterminatezza Linguistica
abstract of Identities, Distinctnesses, Truthmakers, and Indiscernibility Principles
abstract of Identity Over Time
abstract of Identity and Indiscernibility
abstract of Identity and Necessity
abstract of Identity, Consciousness, and Value
abstract of Identity, Individuation and Substance
abstract of Identity, Leibniz's Law and Non-Transitive Reasoning
abstract of If Tropes
abstract of If You Believe in Positive Facts, You Should Believe in Negative Facts
abstract of Imagine the Possibilities: Information Without Overload
abstract of Impossible Worlds and Propositions: Against the Parity Thesis
abstract of In Defence of Logical Nominalism: Reply to Leftow
abstract of In Defence of Spatially Related Universals
abstract of Independence and Substance
abstract of Indeterminacy, Identity and Counterparts: Evans Reconsidered
abstract of Indeterminate People
abstract of Indeterminism and Free Agency: Three Recent Views
abstract of Indices of Truth and Temporal Propositions
abstract of Indigenous and Scientific Kinds
abstract of Individual Differences and the Belief Bias Effect: Mental Models, Logical Necessity, and Abstract Reasoning
abstract of Individuals, Minds and Bodies: Themes From Leibniz
abstract of Individuals, Universals, Collections: On the Foundational Relations of Ontology
abstract of Individuation in Quantum Mechanics
abstract of Inexpressible Properties and Propositions
abstract of Infinite Regress Arguments
abstract of Infinite Regress Arguments and the Problem of Universals
abstract of Instantiation is Not Partial Identity
abstract of Intensionality and Context Change
abstract of Intentionality and Truth-Making: Augustine's Influence on Burley and Wyclif 's Propositional Semantics
abstract of Interactive Kinds
abstract of Internal, External and Intra-Individual Relations
abstract of Interpretar y Argumentar
abstract of Interpretations of Probability in Evolutionary Theory
abstract of Intrinsic Properties Defined
abstract of Intrinsic Properties of Quantum Systems
abstract of Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Properties
abstract of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties
abstract of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties: A Reply to Hoffmann-Kolss
abstract of Intrinsic/Extrinsic
abstract of Intrinsic/Extrinsic: A Relational Account Defended
abstract of Intrinsicality Without Naturalness
abstract of Intrinsicality and Grounding
abstract of Intrinsicality and Hyperintensionality
abstract of Intrinsicality for Monists (and Pluralists)
abstract of Intrinsically/Extrinsically
abstract of Introduction to Adolf Reinach, `On the Theory of the Negative Judgment'''
abstract of Is 'Everything' Precise?
abstract of Is It All Just a Matter of Luck?
abstract of Is Phosphorus Hesperus?
abstract of Is Powerful Causation an Internal Relation?
abstract of Is Quantum Mechanics an Atomistic Theory?
abstract of Is There a Problem with the Causal Criterion of Event Identity?
abstract of Is Time a Continuum of Instants?
abstract of Is Vague Identity Incoherent?
abstract of Is the Intrinsic/Extrinsic Distinction Hyperintensional?
abstract of Is the Partial Identity Account of Property Resemblance Logically Incoherent?
abstract of Issues and Options in Individuation
abstract of Jer\'onimo Pardo on the Unity of Mental Propositions
abstract of John Buridan and Beyond: Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300-1700
abstract of John Buridan and Jer\'onimo Pardo on the Notion of Propositio
abstract of John Heil: Symposium on His Ontological Point of View
abstract of John Poinsot (1589--1644) on the Universale Materialiter Sumptum
abstract of Kann Man Nichtzeitliche Verursachung Verstehen? : Kausalit\"atstheoretische Anmerkungen Zu Kants Freiheitsantinomie
abstract of Kaplan Rigidity, Time, and Modality
abstract of Kinds, General Terms, and Rigidity: A Reply to LaPorte
abstract of Knowledge of Possibility and of Necessity
abstract of Kripke: Modalit\`a E Verit\`a
abstract of Kripke: Names, Necessity, and Identity
abstract of Kripkean Counterpart Theory
abstract of Kuenne on Conceptions of Truth
abstract of L'Argomento Dell'Uno Sui Molti. Il Dilemma Dello Struzzo
abstract of La Interpretaci\'on Como Evento Cognitivo Expresado En Razonamientos Abductivos
abstract of Law Necessitarianism and the Importance of Being Intuitive
abstract of Laws and Singular Propositions
abstract of Laws of Nature
abstract of Le R\'ealisme Propositionnel: S\'emantique Et Ontologie des Propositions Chez Jean Duns Scot, Gauthier Burley, Richard Brinkley Et Jean Wyclif
abstract of Le Radici Dell'essere: Metafisica E Metaontologia in David Malet Armstrong
abstract of Leibniz on Creation, Contingency and Pe-Se Modality
abstract of Leibniz on Substance and Changing Properties
abstract of Leibniz's Argument for the Identity of Indiscernibles in Primary Truths
abstract of Leibniz's Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles: A False Principle
abstract of Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad
abstract of Leibnizian Soft Reduction of Extrinsic Denominations and Relations
abstract of Les Sources Post-Hell\'enistiques du Questionnaire de Porphyre
abstract of Les Sources Post-Hell\'enistiques du Questionnaire de Porphyre
abstract of Linceo E la Presbiopia Ontologica. Considerazioni Sul Nominalismo di Achille Varzi
abstract of Locke on Substance in General
abstract of Logic and Singular Propositions
abstract of Logic and the Sachverhalt
abstract of Logic, Thought, and Language
abstract of Logical Necessity
abstract of Logical Parts
abstract of Los Desv\'ios de la Raz\'on: El Lugar de la Facticidad En la Cadena de Justificaciones
abstract of Macromolecular Pluralism
abstract of Making Sense of Truth-Makers
abstract of Mancanze, Omissioni E Descrizioni Negative
abstract of Manifesting Belief in Absolute Necessity
abstract of Marshall and Parsons on 'Intrinsic'
abstract of Mathematical Explanation and Indispensability Arguments
abstract of Mathematical Necessity and Reality
abstract of Mathematics, the Empirical Facts, and Logical Necessity
abstract of Matter in Z3
abstract of Matter, Motion, and Humean Supervenience
abstract of Meaning, Cognition, and the Philosophy of Thought
abstract of Measuring Cognitive Universals and Cultural Particulars
abstract of Measuring the Ethical Propensities of Accounting Students: Mach IV Versus DIT
abstract of Meinong and Husserl on Abstraction and Universals: From Hume Studies I to Logical Investigations Ii
abstract of Mellor on Negative Properties
abstract of Mellor's Facts and Chances of Causation
abstract of Memory and Time
abstract of Mental Substances
abstract of Mere Cambridge Properties
abstract of Mereological Harmony
abstract of Mereology and Location
abstract of Metaphor and Truth-Makers
abstract of Metaphysical Grounding: Understanding the Structure of Reality
abstract of Metaphysical Necessity is Not Logical Necessity
abstract of Metaphysics
abstract of Metaphysics and Truthmakers
abstract of Metaphysics and the Origin of Species
abstract of Millikan and Her Critics
abstract of Minimal Truthmakers
abstract of Mirror Notation: Symbol Manipulation Without Inscription Manipulation
abstract of Modal Predicates
abstract of Modal Property Comprehension
abstract of Modal Truthmakers and Two Varieties of Actualism
abstract of Modality and Anti-Metaphysics
abstract of Modality and Supervenience
abstract of Modality: Metaphysics, Logic, and Epistemology
abstract of Moderate Nominalism and Moderate Realism
abstract of Monophyly, Paraphyly, and Natural Kinds
abstract of Mopes, Dopes, and Tropes
abstract of More Me? Substance Concepts and Self Concepts
abstract of MultiTrack Dispositions
abstract of Multilocation, Fusions and Confusions
abstract of Mundos Imposibles
abstract of Musical Materialism
abstract of Naming Natural Kinds
abstract of Naming and Necessity
abstract of Naming with Necessity (Part of the Dissertation Portfolio Modality, Names and Descriptions)
abstract of Natural Categories and Human Kinds
abstract of Natural Classes of Universals: Why Armstrong's Analysis Fails
abstract of Natural Kind Essentialism Revisited
abstract of Natural Kind Terms and Recognitional Capacities
abstract of Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change
abstract of Natural Kinds and Crosscutting Categories
abstract of Natural Kinds as Categorical Bottlenecks
abstract of Natural Kinds in Evolution and Systematics: Metaphysical and Epistemological Considerations
abstract of Natural Kinds, Laws of Nature and Scientific Methodology
abstract of Natural Kinds: (Thick) Essentialism or Promiscuous Realism?
abstract of Natural Philosophy and the Use of Causal Terminology: A Puzzle in Reid's Account of Natural Philosophy
abstract of Natural Properties and Bottomless Determination
abstract of Natural Properties and the Special Sciences
abstract of Natural Unity and Paradoxes of Legal Persons
abstract of Naturalism, Materialism and First Philosophy
abstract of Naturalness
abstract of Naturalness and Arbitrariness
abstract of Naturalness, Intrinsicality, and Duplication
abstract of Naturalness, Representation and the Metaphysics of Truth
abstract of Nature's Metaphysics: Laws and Properties
abstract of Nauseating Flux: Iris Murdoch on Sartre and Heraclitus
abstract of Necessary Truth and Proof
abstract of Necessitarian Propositions
abstract of Necessity and Rigidly Designating Kind Terms
abstract of Necessity and Triviality
abstract of Negative States of Affairs: Reinach Versus Ingarden
abstract of Negative Truths From Positive Facts?
abstract of Negative Truths and Truthmaker Principles
abstract of Negative, Infinite, and Hotter Than Infinite Temperatures
abstract of Neural Materialism, Pain's Badness, and a Posteriori Identities
abstract of New Essays on Singular Thought
abstract of New Reasons to Motivate Trope Theory: Endurantism and Perdurantism
abstract of New Work for a Theory of Universals
abstract of No Work For a Theory of Universals
abstract of No-Futurism and Metaphysical Contingentism
abstract of Nomes Vazios
abstract of Nomic Necessity and Empiricism
abstract of Nominalism About Properties
abstract of Nominalism and Idealism
abstract of Nominalist Constituent Ontologies: A Development and Critique
abstract of Nomological Necessity and the Paradoxes of Confirmation
abstract of Nomological Resemblance
abstract of Non-Reductive Realization and the Powers-Based Subset Strategy
abstract of Non-Symmetric Relations
abstract of Nondescriptionality and Natural Kind Terms
abstract of Nonexistence Without Nonexistents
abstract of Normative Appeals to the Natural
abstract of Not Every Truth has a Truthmaker II
abstract of Note on Howard Sankey's "Induction and Natural Kinds"
abstract of Numbers as Quantitative Relations and the Traditional Theory of Measurement
abstract of Object-Dependence
abstract of Objective Chances in a Deterministic World
abstract of Objective Probability in Everettian Quantum Mechanics
abstract of Objectivism and the Corruption of Rationality
abstract of Objects and Identity: An Examination of the Relative Identity Thesis and its Consequences
abstract of Objects in Time: Studies of Persistence in B-Time
abstract of Objects of Thought
abstract of Objects, Discreteness, and Pure Power Theories: George Molnar's Critique of Sydney Shoemaker's Causal Theory of Properties
abstract of Occasions of Identity Andr\'e Gallois
abstract of Ockham on Mind-World Relations: What Sort of Nominalism?
abstract of Of Ghostly and Mechanical Events
abstract of Of Zombies, Color Scientists, and Floating Iron Bars
abstract of Ohne Satz Vom Widerspruch Keine Entit\"at -- Der Satz Vom Widerspruch Als Strukturformel der Realit\"at
abstract of Ohne Telos Und Substanz. Grenzen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Kausalit\"atsverst\"andnisses
abstract of Omissions and Causal Explanations
abstract of On (Not) Being in Two Places at the Same Time: An Argument Against Endurantism
abstract of On Believing, Saying and Expressing
abstract of On Bellert's Proposal Concerning Quantificational Universals
abstract of On Classifying Material Entities in Basic Formal Ontology
abstract of On Clear and Confused Ideas: An Essay About Substance Concepts
abstract of On Concrete Universals: A Modern Treatment Using Category Theory
abstract of On Constructive Functions Ranging Over Propositions
abstract of On Defining Away the Miraculous
abstract of On Doing Without Relations
abstract of On Evans's Vague Object From Set Theoretic Viewpoint
abstract of On Human Persons
abstract of On Hylemorphism and Personal Identity
abstract of On Quantitative Relationist Theories
abstract of On Quantum Propensities: Two Arguments Revisited
abstract of On Remembering an Unreal Past
abstract of On Russell's Argument Against Resemblance Nominalism
abstract of On Simple Facts
abstract of On Some Alleged Truthmakers for Negatives
abstract of On Some Putative Graph-Theoretic Counterexamples to the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles
abstract of On Substances, Accidents and Universals: In Defence of a Constituent Ontology
abstract of On Substantial Independence: A Reply to Patrick Toner
abstract of On Unity and Simple Substance in Leibniz
abstract of On Universals: An Extensionalist Alternative to Quine's Resemblance Theory
abstract of On What Grounds What
abstract of On Witness-Discernibility of Elementary Particles
abstract of On an Aristotelian Theory of Universals
abstract of On the Compresence of Tropes
abstract of On the Distinction Between Abstract States, Concrete States, and Tropes
abstract of On the Identification of Properties and Propositional Functions
abstract of On the Mereological Structure of Complex States of Affairs
abstract of On the Necessity of Natural Kinds
abstract of On the Need for Properties: The Road to Pythagoreanism and Back
abstract of On the Ontology of Functions
abstract of On the Possibility of Exactly Similar Tropes
abstract of On the Reality and Causal Efficacy of Familiar Objects
abstract of On the Sharpness and Bias of Quantum Effects
abstract of One Way to Face Facts
abstract of Only Powers Can Confer Dispositions
abstract of Ontology Revisited: Metaphysics in Social and Political Philosophy
abstract of Ontology with Human Subjects Testing: An Empirical Investigation of Geographic Categories
abstract of Ontology, Causality, and Mind: Essays in Honor of D.M. Armstrong
abstract of Ordinary Objects
abstract of Ordinary Objects
abstract of Overall Similarity, Natural Properties, and Paraphrases
abstract of Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, Volume 5
abstract of Para-Reflections
abstract of Paradigms and Russell's Resemblance Regress
abstract of PartIntrinsicality
abstract of Particle Labels and the Theory of Indistinguishable Particles in Quantum Mechanics
abstract of Particularised Attributes
abstract of Particulars, Substrata, and the Identity of Indiscernibles
abstract of Particulars, Universals and Russell's Late Ontology
abstract of Partnership in Truth-Making
abstract of Parts and Moments: Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology
abstract of Parts and Pretense
abstract of Parts and Wholes in Semantics (TOC)
abstract of Parts of Propositions
abstract of Parts, Counterparts and Modal Occurents
abstract of Pegs, Boards, and Relativistic Perdurance
abstract of Peirce and the Threat of Nominalism
abstract of Pencils Have a Point: Against General Externalism About Artifactual Words
abstract of Perception Without Propositions
abstract of Perceptual and Imaginative Conception: The Distinction Reid Missed
abstract of Perceptual-Cognitive Universals as Reflections of the World
abstract of Perdurance and Causal Realism
abstract of Perdurance and Psychological Continuity
abstract of Perdurantism, Universalism, and Quantifiers
abstract of Persistence Through Time and Across Possible Worlds
abstract of Persistence and Non-Supervenient Relations
abstract of Persistent Propensities: Portrait of a Familiar Controversy
abstract of Person and Object: A Metaphysical Study
abstract of Personal Identity, Concerns, and Indeterminacy
abstract of Persons and Causes: The Metaphysics of Free Will
abstract of Phenomenal and Objective Size
abstract of Philosophy of Exaggeration
abstract of Philosophy of Nature and Quantum Reality
abstract of Physical Change in Plato's Timaeus
abstract of Physical Necessity is Not Necessity $<$Em Class="a-Plus-Plus"$>$Tout Court$<$/Em$>$
abstract of Pictures and Properties
abstract of Pictures, Propositions, and Primitives in the Head
abstract of Plantinga, Proper Names and Propositions
abstract of Platonism and the Invention of the Problem of Universals
abstract of Pleonastic Entities: Fictional Characters and Propositions
abstract of Population Thinking as Trope Nominalism
abstract of Possibility
abstract of Possibility and Actuality
abstract of Possible Ideas of Necessity in Indian Logic
abstract of Possible Objects and Possible States of Affairs in Wittgenstein's Tractatus
abstract of Postscript to Why Truthmakers
abstract of Potentiality and the Matter of Composite Substance
abstract of Powerful Qualities, Not Pure Powers
abstract of Powers, Causation, and Modality
abstract of Powers, Necessity, and Determinism
abstract of Prawa Logiki I Prawa Przyrody W Ujciu Johna Bigelowa I Roberta Pargettera
abstract of Preconditions of Predication: From Qualia to Quantum Mechanics
abstract of Predication as Ascription
abstract of Presentism and Distributional Properties
abstract of Presentism and Truthmaking
abstract of Presentism and the Objection From Being-Supervenience
abstract of Presentism, Truthmakers and Distributional Properties
abstract of Presentism/Eternalism and Endurantism/Perdurantism: Why the Unsubstantiality of the First Debate Implies That of the Second
abstract of Presuppositions, Truth Values, and Expressing Propositions
abstract of Pretense and Pathology: Philosophical Fictionalism and its Applications
abstract of Prioridade E Subst\^ancia Na Metaf\'isica de Arist\'oteles
abstract of Priority Monism, Partiality, and Minimal Truthmakers
abstract of Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics
abstract of Probability Out Of Determinism
abstract of Probability in Biology: The Case of Fitness
abstract of Probability, Rational Single-Case Decisions and the Monty Hall Problem
abstract of Problem Szczelinowoci W Fenomenologii Romana Ingardena
abstract of Problems From Armstrong
abstract of Promiscuous Endurantism and Diachronic Vagueness
abstract of Promiscuous Objects, Hybrid Truth and Scientific Realism
abstract of Propensities and Probabilities
abstract of Propensity, Probability, and Quantum Physics
abstract of Properties
abstract of Properties
abstract of Properties That Four-Dimensional Objects Cannot Have
abstract of Properties and Resemblance Classes
abstract of Properties and the Interpretation of Second-Order Logic
abstract of Properties, Powers, and Structures: Issues in the Metaphysics of Realism
abstract of Properties: Qualities, Powers, or Both?
abstract of Property Counterparts and Natural Class Trope Nominalism
abstract of Property Identities and Modal Arguments
abstract of Propositional Attitudes Without Propositions
abstract of Propositional Attitudes and Mental Acts
abstract of Propositional Functions and Universals in Principia Mathematica
abstract of Propositional Structure and Truth Conditions
abstract of Propositional Unity: What's the Problem, Who has It and Who Solves It?
abstract of Propositions
abstract of Propositions and Attitudes
abstract of Propositions and Attitudinal Objects
abstract of Propositions and Multiple Indexing
abstract of Propositions and Necessary Existence
abstract of Propositions and Parthood: The Universe and Anti-Symmetry
abstract of Propositions and Same-Saying: Introduction
abstract of Propositions as Semantic Pretense
abstract of Propositions, Attitudinal Objects, and the Distinction Between Actions and Products
abstract of Propositions, What Are They Good For?
abstract of Propositions: An Essay on Linguistic Content
abstract of Propositions: Truth Vs. Existence
abstract of Propositionwise Judgment Aggregation: The General Case
abstract of Putnam's Traditional Neo-Essentialism
abstract of Putting the World Back Into Semantics
abstract of Puzzling Powers: The Problem of Fit
abstract of Qu'est-Ce Qu'une Fondue ? [What is a Fondue?]
abstract of Qu'est-Ce Qu'une Montagne ? [What is a Mountain?]
abstract of Qualia and Vagueness
abstract of Qualities, Universals, Kinds, and the New Riddle of Induction
abstract of Quality and Concept
abstract of Quand l'\'Ev\'enement D\'epasse le Pr\'evisible: Critique de l'Horloge D\'eterministe
abstract of Quantity and Quality: Some Aspects of Measurement
abstract of Quantity and Quantity Value
abstract of Quantum Mechanics and Metaphysical Indeterminacy
abstract of Quantum Mechanics as a Consistency Condition on Initial and Final Boundary Conditions
abstract of Quantum Physics and the Identity of Indiscernibles
abstract of Quantum Propensities
abstract of Quantum Selections, Propensities and the Problem of Measurement
abstract of Quantum Theory and the Identity of Indiscernibles Revisited
abstract of Quiddistic Knowledge
abstract of R\'eflexions Leibniziennes Sur le Temps, le Changement Et l'Identit\'e Dans les Ann\'ees 1680
abstract of Ramsey, Particulars, and Universals
abstract of Rational Procedures
abstract of Reading Writing the Book of the World
abstract of Ready-Mades: Ontology and Aesthetics
abstract of Real Dispositions in the Physical World
abstract of Real Metaphysics
abstract of Real Natures and Familiar Objects
abstract of Realism, Truthmakers, and Language: A Study in Meta-Ontology and the Relationship Between Language and Metaphysics
abstract of Realistyczne Teorie Uniwersali\'ow (Realist Theories of Universals)
abstract of Reals by Abstractiont
abstract of Reasons Explanations and Pure Agency
abstract of Reasons and Divine Action: A Dilemma
abstract of Reasons and Persons
abstract of Recent Work on Criteria for Event Identity, 1967-1979
abstract of Recent Work: Time
abstract of Recombination and Intrinsicality
abstract of Redefining 'Intrinsic'
abstract of Reducing Spirit to Substance
abstract of Reference to Numbers in Natural Language
abstract of Regarding the Mind, Naturally: Naturalist Approaches to the Sciences of the Mental
abstract of Regularities, Context, and Neural Coding: Are Universals Reflected in the Experienced World?
abstract of Reid on Scepticism About Agency and the Self
abstract of Relata-Specific Relations: A Response to Vallicella
abstract of Relational Order and Onto-Thematic Roles
abstract of Relations Without Polyadic Properties: Albert the Great on the Nature and Ontological Status of Relations
abstract of Relations and Order-Sensitivity
abstract of Relations and Truthmaking
abstract of Relations in Biomedical Ontologies
abstract of Relative Identity
abstract of Relative Identity and Leibniz's Law
abstract of Relativism 2: Semantic Content
abstract of Relativity and Persistence
abstract of Relevance, Relatedness and Restricted Set Theory
abstract of Remarks on Our Knowledge of Modal Facts
abstract of Remarks on Propositional Functions
abstract of Reply to Lasersohn, MacFarlane, and Richard
abstract of Reply to Noonan on Vague Identity
abstract of Reply to Stone on Counterpart Theory and Four-Dimensionalism
abstract of Reply to William Dwyer: Free Will Reconsidered
abstract of Representation and Reality in Wittgenstein's Tractatus
abstract of Representing Subjects, Mind-Dependent Objects: Kant, Leibniz, and the Amphiboly
abstract of Resemblance Nominalism
abstract of Resemblance Nominalism and Counterparts: Reply to Bird
abstract of Resemblance Nominalism and Russell's Regress
abstract of Resemblance Nominalism, Conjunctions and Truthmakers
abstract of Resemblance Nominalism: A Solution to the Problem of Universals
abstract of Resemblance Nominalism: A Solution to the Problem of Universals
abstract of Resemblance Theories of Properties
abstract of Resembling Particulars: What Nominalism?
abstract of Review of 'New Waves in Philosophy of Action' Edited by Jes\'us H. Aguilar, Andrei A. Buckareff and Keith Frankish
abstract of Review of Daniel Garber, Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad
abstract of Review of David Wiggins, S Ameness and Substance Renewed
abstract of Review of Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra's Resemblance Nominalism: A Solution to the Problem of Universals
abstract of Review of Roy Sorensen's \_Seeing Dark Things. The Philosophy of Shadows\_
abstract of Review: McCarty, Kant's Theory of Action
abstract of Richard Gaskin: The Unity of the Proposition
abstract of Riferimento, Predicazione, E Cambiamento
abstract of Rigid Application
abstract of Rigid Kind Terms
abstract of Rigidity, Occasional Identity and Leibniz' Law
abstract of Ross and Scotus on the Existence of God: Two Proofs From Possibility
abstract of Russell and Richard Brinkley on the Unity of the Proposition
abstract of Russell and the Unity of the Proposition
abstract of Russell on Substitutivity and the Abandonment of Propositions
abstract of Russell on the Relations of Universals and Particulars
abstract of Russell's Early Metaphysics of Propositions
abstract of Russell's Paradox and Complex Properties
abstract of Russell\textasciiacutes Early Type Theory and the Paradox of Propositions
abstract of Ryle's Paradox and the Concept of Exemplification
abstract of SNAP and SPAN: Towards Dynamic Spatial Ontology
abstract of Sachverhalt
abstract of Sachverhalte, Objekte Und Supervenienz. Brentano, Marty Und Meinong
abstract of Sameness and Substance Renewed
abstract of Scattered Exemplification and Many-Place Copulas
abstract of Scheme-Based Alethic Realism: Agency, the Environment, and Truthmaking
abstract of Schiffer's New Theory of Propositions
abstract of Science and Medicine in Dialogue: Thinking Through Particulars and Universals
abstract of Science and Necessity
abstract of Scientific Enquiry and Natural Kinds: From Planets to Mallards
abstract of Sea Battle Semantics
abstract of Second-Order Predication and the Metaphysics of Properties
abstract of Second-Order Properties and Three Varieties of Functionalism
abstract of Seeing Dark Things: The Philosophy of Shadows
abstract of Self-Movement and Natural Normativity: Keeping Agents in the Causal Theory of Action
abstract of Self-Relations
abstract of Selfless Desires and the Property Theory of Content
abstract of Sellars and Pretense on "Truth \& 'Correspondence'" (with a Detour Through Meaning Attribution)
abstract of Sellarsian Particulars
abstract of Semantics Without the Distinction Between Sense and Force
abstract of Semantics: Primes and Universals
abstract of Semantik Und Ontologie. Drei Studien Zu Aristoteles
abstract of Setting the Facts Straight
abstract of Shadows of Constitution
abstract of Shared Content
abstract of Shot in the Dark: Notes on Photography, Causality, and Content
abstract of Should Property-Dualists Be Substance-Hylomorphists?
abstract of Showing the Time
abstract of Silhouettes Are Shadows
abstract of Similarity and Dimensional Analysis (Preprint - Entry in Handbook of Philosophy of Science, Elsevier)
abstract of Single-Case Probabilities
abstract of Singular Propositions and Modal Logic
abstract of Singular Propositions and Modes of Presentation1
abstract of Singular Propositions and the A Priori
abstract of Singular Propositions, Abstract Constituents, and Propositional Attitudes
abstract of Singular Terms, Predicates and the Spurious 'Is' of Identity
abstract of Skepticism and Possibilities
abstract of Sketch for a Systematic Metaphysics
abstract of Sketch for a Systematic Metaphysics
abstract of Slingshot Arguments: Two Versions
abstract of Sobre Una Version Del Nominalismo de Semejanzas
abstract of Sonic Art and the Nature of Sonic Events
abstract of Sortals and Criteria of Identity
abstract of Sounds and Events
abstract of Sounds and Temporality
abstract of Sources of Essence
abstract of Spacetime the One Substance
abstract of Spatiotemporal and Spatial Particulars
abstract of Speaking of Events
abstract of Species in Three and Four Dimensions
abstract of Species, Higher Taxa, and the Units of Evolution
abstract of Specifying the Nature of Substance in Aristotle and in Indian Philosophy
abstract of Specular Highlights as a Guide to Perceptual Content
abstract of Speech Acts Without Propositions?
abstract of Spinning Shadows
abstract of Spoils to the Vector - How to Model Causes If You Are a Realist About Powers
abstract of Spontaneity, Democritean Causality and Freedom
abstract of Spurious Causal Kinds: A Problem for the Causal-Power Conception of Kinds
abstract of St. Thomas Aquinas on Death and the Separated Soul
abstract of States of Affairs
abstract of States of Affairs, Events, and Propositions
abstract of Straightening Priority Out
abstract of Strategies for Referent Tracking in Electronic Health Records
abstract of Strong Necessitarianism: The Nomological Identity of Possible Worlds
abstract of Structural Properties
abstract of Structural Properties Revisited
abstract of Structural Universals and Formal Relations
abstract of Structural Universals and the Principle of Uniqueness of Composition
abstract of Structural Universals as Structural Parts: Toward a General Theory of Parthood and Composition
abstract of Structure-Making
abstract of Structured Propositions and Sentence Structure
abstract of Structured Propositions as Types
abstract of Stucturing Events
abstract of Stuff Versus Individuals
abstract of Subjects of Experience
abstract of Subsistence Demystified
abstract of Substance
abstract of Substance
abstract of Substance Among Other Categories
abstract of Substance and Attribute: Western and Islamic Traditions in Dialogue
abstract of Substance and Essence in Aristotle
abstract of Substance and Essence in Aristotle: An Interpretation of Metaphysics Vii-Ix
abstract of Substance and Function
abstract of Substance and Independence in Aristotle
abstract of Substance and Individuation in Leibniz
abstract of Substance and Predication in Aristotle
abstract of Substance and Separation in Aristotle
abstract of Substance, Form, and Psyche: An Aristotelean Metaphysics
abstract of Substance, Relation, and Identity
abstract of Substances
abstract of Substances and Universals in Aristotle's Metaphysics
abstract of Substantia -- Sic Et Non. Eine Geschichte des Substanzbegriffs von der Antike Bis Zur Gegenwart in Einzelbeitr\"agen
abstract of Substantial Simplicity in Leibniz
abstract of Substanzen Als Ursachen?
abstract of Subsumption and Relative Identity
abstract of Supervenience and Causal Necessity
abstract of Symmetric Propositions and Logical Quantifiers
abstract of Talking About a Universalist World
abstract of Talking About the Past
abstract of Teaching and Learning Guide For: Recent Work on Propositions
abstract of Technology and the Conditions on Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
abstract of Temporal Externalism, Natural Kind Terms, and Scientifically Ignorant Communities
abstract of Temporal Necessity and Logical Fatalism
abstract of Temporal Necessity; Hard Facts/Soft Facts
abstract of Temporal and Counterfactual Possibility
abstract of Temporally Incongruent Counterparts
abstract of Tense and Temporal Semantics
abstract of Tenseless/Non-Modal Truthmakers for Tensed/Modal Truths
abstract of The 'Tractatus' and the Unity of the Proposition
abstract of The Accidental Properties of Numbers and Properties
abstract of The Aesthetic Peculiarity of Multifunctional Artefacts
abstract of The Alleged Supervenience of Everything on Microphysics
abstract of The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences
abstract of The Art of Conjecture
abstract of The Bookkeeper and the Lumberjack. Metaphysical Vs. Nomological Necessity
abstract of The Bundle Theory is Compatible with Distinct but Indiscernible Particulars
abstract of The Bundle Theory of Substance
abstract of The Bundle Theory of Substance and the Identity of Indiscernibles
abstract of The Causal Power of Discourse
abstract of The Cladistic Solution to the Species Problem
abstract of The Concept of Personal Identity
abstract of The Concept of Substance
abstract of The Consistency of the Na\"ive Theory of Properties
abstract of The Constitution of Events
abstract of The Construction of Social Reality
abstract of The Context-Dependency of Temporal Reference in Event Semantics
abstract of The Contingency of Composition
abstract of The Correspondence Theory of Truth
abstract of The Dependence of Truth on Being: Is There a Problem for Minimalism?
abstract of The Determinable-Determinate Relation
abstract of The Direct Perception of Universals: A Theory of Knowledge Acquisition
abstract of The Dispositional Essentialist View of Properties and Laws
abstract of The Endurance/Perdurance Controversy is No Storm in a Teacup
abstract of The Epistemology of Geometry I: The Problem of Exactness
abstract of The Explanatory Power of the Substance View of Persons
abstract of The Four-Category Ontology: A Metaphysical Foundation for Natural Science
abstract of The Grounding Problem and Presentist Explanations
abstract of The Grounding Problem and Presentist Explanations
abstract of The Hard Road to Presentism
abstract of The Impossible: An Essay on Hyperintensionality
abstract of The Individuation of Events
abstract of The Individuation of Tropes
abstract of The Least Discerning and Most Promiscuous Truthmaker
abstract of The Legacy of Linguisticism
abstract of The Living Individual and its Kind
abstract of The Logical Function of `That', or Truth, Propositions and Sentences
abstract of The Logical Structure of Truthmaking
abstract of The Matter of Chance
abstract of The Measure of Mind: Propositional Attitudes and Their Attribution
abstract of The Medieval Problem of Universals
abstract of The Metaphysics of Ceteris Paribus Laws
abstract of The Metaphysics of Everyday Life: An Essay in Practical Realism
abstract of The Metaphysics of Extrinsic Properties
abstract of The Metaphysics of Malfunction
abstract of The Metaphysics of Quantity
abstract of The Metaphysics of Relations
abstract of The Multiple-Proposition Approach Reconsidered
abstract of The Natural History of Fact
abstract of The Nature and Structure of Content
abstract of The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences
abstract of The Nature of Properties: Nominalism, Realism, and Trope Theory
abstract of The Nature of Shadows, From Yale to Bilkent
abstract of The Nature of Substance
abstract of The Necessity of Nature
abstract of The Non-Identity of a Material Thing and its Matter
abstract of The Non-Transitivity of the Contingent and Occasional Identity Relations
abstract of The One and the Many
abstract of The Ontology of 'Cases'
abstract of The Ontology of Artifacts
abstract of The Ontology of Physical Objects: Four-Dimensional Hunks of Matter
abstract of The Ontology of Thisness
abstract of The Operator Theory of Instantiation
abstract of The Oxford Handbook of Free Will
abstract of The Paradox of Fission and the Ontology of Ordinary Objects
abstract of The Partial Identity Account of Partial Similarity Revisited
abstract of The Particular--Universal Distinction: A Dogma of Metaphysics?
abstract of The Philosophy of Logical Atomism
abstract of The Physical Basis of Predication
abstract of The Plural Event: Descartes, Hegel, Heidegger
abstract of The Possibility of Metaphysics: Substance, Identity, and Time
abstract of The Poverty of the Linnaean Hierarchy: A Philosophical Study of Biological Taxonomy
abstract of The Power of Agency
abstract of The Preoccupation with Death
abstract of The Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles and Quantum Mechanics
abstract of The Principles of Contradiction, Sufficient Reason, and Identity of Indiscernibles
abstract of The Problem of Trope Individuation: A Reply to Lowe
abstract of The Problem of Universals
abstract of The Problem of Universals and the Limits of Conceptual Analysis
abstract of The Problem of Universals in Indian Philosophy
abstract of The Problem of the Many, Many Composition Questions, and Naive Mereology
abstract of The Problem with TruthmakerGap Epistemicism
abstract of The Problem(s) of Change Revisited
abstract of The Properties of Singular Causation
abstract of The Reality of Absences
abstract of The Reality of Numbers: A Physicalist's Philosophy of Mathematics
abstract of The Regress of Pure Powers?
abstract of The Role Functionalist Theory of Absences
abstract of The Russellian Origins of Analytical Philosophy: Bertrand Russell and the Unity of the Proposition
abstract of The Science of the Individual: Leibniz's Ontology of Individual Substance
abstract of The Semantics and Metaphysics of Natural Kinds
abstract of The Significance of Sense
abstract of The Social Construction of What?
abstract of The Special Science Dilemma and How Culture Solves It
abstract of The Story About Propositions
abstract of The Talk I Was Supposed to Give\textellipsis
abstract of The Tenseless Copula in Temporal Predication
abstract of The Theory of Random Propositions
abstract of The True and the False
abstract of The Truth About the Past and the Future
abstract of The Truthmaker Account Is Not a Causal Theory
abstract of The Truthmaker Non-Maximalist's Dilemma
abstract of The Truthmaking Argument Against Dispositionalism
abstract of The Ultimate Argument Against Armstrong's Contingent Necessitation View of Laws
abstract of The Ultimate Constituents of the Material World - In Search of an Ontology for Fundamental Physics
abstract of The Unity of Linguistic Meaning
abstract of The Unity of the Fact
abstract of The Unity of the Proposition
abstract of The Unity of the Proposition: Replies to Vallicella, Schnieder, and Garc\'ia-Carpintero
abstract of The Unity of the Sentence and the Connection of Causes
abstract of The Universe As We Find It, by John Heil
abstract of The World and Truth About What Is Not
abstract of The World in Itself: Neither Uniform nor Physical
abstract of Theism, Platonism, and the Metaphysics of Mathematics
abstract of Themes From Kaplan
abstract of Theological Necessity
abstract of Theories of Judgment
abstract of Theories of Natural Kind Term Reference and Empirical Psychology
abstract of Theories of Properties, Relations, and Propositions
abstract of There Are No Abstract Objects
abstract of There Are Vague Objects (in Any Sense in Which There Are Ordinary Objects)
abstract of There is No 'Truthmaker' Argument Against Nominalism
abstract of There's No Existent Like 'No Existence' Like No Existent I Know
abstract of Things, Relations and Identity
abstract of This is Simply What I Do
abstract of Thisness
abstract of Thisness and Events
abstract of Thomas Reid's Inquiry and Essays
abstract of Thought and World: An Austere Portrayal of Truth, Reference, and Semantic Correspondence
abstract of Three Kinds of Social Kinds
abstract of Three Trope Theories
abstract of Time and Propositions in Jer\'onimo Pardo
abstract of Time and Thisness
abstract of Time for Distribution?
abstract of Timeless Truth
abstract of To See or Not to See: The Uses of Photometers and Measurements of Reflective Power
abstract of Tooley's Solution to the Inference Problem
abstract of Topics on General and Formal Ontology
abstract of Towards a Concept of Property Evaluation Type
abstract of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
abstract of Transubstantiation, Tropes and Truthmakers
abstract of Transworld Identity, Singular Propositions, and Picture-Thinking
abstract of Trivial Truthmaking Matters
abstract of Trogdon on Monism and Intrinsicality
abstract of Trope Sheaves. A Topological Ontology of Tropes
abstract of Trope Theory and the Bradley Regress
abstract of Trope Theory and the Metaphysics of Appearances
abstract of Tropes With a Kantian Flavor
abstract of Tropes and Other Things
abstract of Tropes and Relations
abstract of Tropes as Divine Acts: The Nature of Creaturely Properties in a World Sustained by God
abstract of Tropes as Mechanisms
abstract of Tropes for Causation
abstract of Tropes in Space
abstract of Tropes' Simplicity and Mental Causation
abstract of Tropes, Bare Demonstratives, and Apparent Statements of Identity
abstract of Tropes, Intensional Relative Clauses, and the Notion of a Variable Object
abstract of Tropes, Necessary Connections, and Non-Transferability
abstract of Tropes, Particularity, and Space-Time
abstract of Truth and Bivalence in Aristotle. An Investigation Into the Structure of Saying
abstract of Truth and Collective Truth
abstract of Truth and Ontology
abstract of Truth and Physics Education
abstract of Truth and Truth-Making
abstract of Truth and Truthmakers
abstract of Truth and the Visual Field
abstract of Truth as a Normative Modality of Cognitive Acts
abstract of Truth in the Tractatus
abstract of Truth, Correspondence and Deflationism
abstract of Truth-Bearers and the Unsaid
abstract of Truth-Maker Semantics for Intuitionistic Logic
abstract of Truth-Makers
abstract of Truth-Making Without Truth-Makers
abstract of Truth-Making and Analysis: A Reply to Rodriguez-Pereyra
abstract of Truth-Making and Divine Eternity
abstract of Truthmaker Commitments
abstract of Truthmaker Explanations
abstract of Truthmaker Gaps and the No-No Paradox
abstract of Truthmaker Realism
abstract of Truthmaker Realism: Response to Gregory
abstract of Truthmaker Theory
abstract of Truthmakers
abstract of Truthmakers Without Truth
abstract of Truthmakers and Explanation
abstract of Truthmakers and Modality
abstract of Truthmakers and Predication
abstract of Truthmakers and the Direct Argument
abstract of Truthmakers and the Groundedness of Truth
abstract of Truthmakers for Negative Truths
abstract of Truthmakers, Realism and Ontology
abstract of Truthmakers, Truthbearers and the Objectivity of Truth
abstract of Truthmakers, the Past, and the Future
abstract of Truthmakers: A Tale of Two Explanatory Projects
abstract of Truthmakers: The Contemporary Debate
abstract of Truthmaking And Pragmatist Conceptions Of Truth And Reality
abstract of Truthmaking Without Necessitation
abstract of Truthmaking and Supervenience
abstract of Truthmaking and the Alleged Need for Relevance
abstract of Truthmaking and the Slingshot
abstract of Truthmaking for Modal Skeptics
abstract of Truthmaking, Entailment, and the Conjunction Thesis
abstract of Truthmaking, Metaethics, and Creeping Minimalism
abstract of Truthmaking, Recombination, and Facts Ontology
abstract of Truthmaking, Truth, and Realism: New Work for a Theory of Truthmakers
abstract of Truthmaking: A Cognition-Independent Internal Relation with Heterogeneous Relata
abstract of Truths and Processes: A Critical Approach to Truthmaker Theory
abstract of Twelve Examples of Illusion
abstract of Twenty-One Arguments Against Propensity Analyses of Probability
abstract of Two Concepts of Trope
abstract of Two Kinds of First-Person-Oriented Content
abstract of Two Kinds of Possibility
abstract of Two Kinds of Universals and Two Kinds of Collections
abstract of Two Mereological Arguments Against the Possibility of an Omniscient Being
abstract of Two Types of Features: An Aristotelian Approach
abstract of TxW Epistemic Modality
abstract of Unbound Anaphoric Pronouns: E-Type, Dynamic, and Structured-Propositions Approaches
abstract of Understanding Strength of Will
abstract of Understanding the Intrinsic/Extrinsic Distinction
abstract of Units of Measurement and Natural Kinds: Some Kripkean Considerations
abstract of Unity and Primary Substance for Aristotle
abstract of Unity and the Frege--Geach Problem
abstract of Unity, Identity, and Explanation in Aristotle's Metaphysics
abstract of Universal Core Semantic Layer
abstract of Universals
abstract of Universals
abstract of Universals
abstract of Universals and Particulars
abstract of Universals and Particulars in a Phenomenalist Ontology
abstract of Universals and Properties
abstract of Universals and Scientific Realism
abstract of Universals as Sense-Data
abstract of Universals of Human Thought: Some African Evidence
abstract of Universals, Tropes and the Philosophy of Mind
abstract of Universals: An Opinionated Introduction
abstract of Universals: Studies in Indian Logic and Linguistics
abstract of Using Natural-Kind Essentialism to Defend Dispositionalism
abstract of V\'erifacteurs
abstract of V\'erifacteurs Pour des V\'erit\'es Modales
abstract of Vague Identity Yet Again
abstract of Vague Identity: Evans Misunderstood
abstract of Vague Objects Without Ontically Indeterminate Identity
abstract of Vague Objects and Phenomenal Wholes
abstract of Vague Objects and the Problem of the Many
abstract of Vague Properties
abstract of Vagueness and Existence
abstract of Vagueness and Identity
abstract of Vagueness and Naturalness
abstract of Vagueness in Reality
abstract of Vagueness in Sparseness: A Study in Property Ontology
abstract of Vagueness, Logic, and Ontology
abstract of Vagueness, Persistence and Indeterminate Identity
abstract of Variable Objects and Truthmaking
abstract of Varieties of Necessity
abstract of Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics
abstract of Verwandlung: Mythologische Ansichten, Technologische Absichten
abstract of Warum Sich Artefakte Ihrer Marginalisierung Widersetzen
abstract of Water is Not H 2 O
abstract of Ways of Pastmaking
abstract of What Are Centered Worlds?
abstract of What Are Natural Kinds?
abstract of What Can the Problem of Mixed Inferences Teach Us About Alethic Pluralism?
abstract of What Causally Insensitive Events Tell Us About Overdetermination
abstract of What Difference Might and May Make
abstract of What Do Powers Do When They Are Not Manifested?
abstract of What Externalists Should Say About Dry Earth
abstract of What Fitness Can't Be
abstract of What If Reality has No Architecture?
abstract of What Truth Depends On
abstract of What is a Law of Nature?
abstract of What is a Negative Property?
abstract of What the Deflationist May Say About Truthmaking
abstract of What's Wrong with the New Biological Essentialism
abstract of What's the Use of an Intrinsic Property?
abstract of When Traditional Essentialism Fails
abstract of Where Are Facts? -- A Case for Internal Factual Realism
abstract of Which Modal Models Are the Right Ones (for Logical Necessity)?
abstract of Why Hacking is Wrong About Human Kinds
abstract of Why Metrical Properties Are Not Powers
abstract of Why Propositions Cannot Be Sets of Truth-Supporting Circumstances
abstract of Why Sense Cannot Be Made of Vague Identity
abstract of Why Temporary Properties Are Not Relations Between Physical Objects and Times
abstract of Why Truthmakers
abstract of Why We Should Not Identify Sentence Structure with Propositional Structure
abstract of Why and How to Fill an Unfilled Proposition
abstract of Wittgenstein on the Substance of the World
abstract of Wittgenstein's Nonsense Objection to Russell's Theory of Judgment
abstract of Worlds and Propositions: The Structure and Ontology of Logical Space
abstract of Zero-Value Physical Quantities
abstract of \&Quot;assertion" and Intentionality
abstract of \&Quot;contingency, Necessity, and Causation in Kierkegaard's Theory of Change\&Quot;