Chuck Roll

Chuck roll (boneless) is prepared from a bone-in chuck - square cut (1617). The ventral cutting line is approximately 75mm from the M. longissimus dorsi (eye muscle) and parallel to the vertebral column to the 1st rib. The M. rhomboideus is removed and the M. subscapularis (undercut) remains firmly attached. The M. trapezius is removed unless otherwise specified.

To be specified:
- Rib numbers required.
- Cranial cutting line:
- Between the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae.
- Between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae.
- M. trapezius retained.
- Ligamentum nuchae retained or removed.
- M. subscap




Chuck Roll en
Aguja es
Basse-côte sans os fr
rozbratel bez kości pl
Рулетизлопа- точноймякоти ru
上脑 zh

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