
Shin-shank is prepared from either forequarter / hindquarter legs (extensor / flexor group of
muscles). The fore leg is removed by a cut following the brisket removal line from the forequarter
through the M. triceps and M. biceps brachii and distal end to the humerus to include the
(radius/ulna) and associated muscles. The hindquarter leg is removed by a cut through the stifle joint removing the tibia/tarsal bones including the surrounding flexor / extensor muscle groups. The hind shank includes the tibia/tarsal bones and surrounding muscle groups of the flexor/extensor.

To be specified:
- Removal of forequarter elbow (olecranon) and carpus joint at meat level.
- Removal of hindquarter trasus and stifle joints at meat level.

NOTE:1680 as forequarter / hindquarter shin / shank (packed together). 1682 specifically for forequarter and 1683 specifically for hindquarter.




Shin-shank en
Brazuelo / garrón es
Jarret avant / Jarret arrière fr
goleń pl
Рулька-Голяшка передней/ задней четвертины ru
前/后腱子肉 zh