Chuck - Square Cut (6-rib)

Chuck square cut is prepared from a forequarter (1063) after the removal of the brisket (1643) and ribs prepared (1604). Neck (1630) is removed from the forequarter by a straight cut parallel and cranial to the 1st rib and through the junction of the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae. The chuck square cut to consist of 4 to 6 ribs and the ventral cutting line is 75mm from the eye muscle (M. longissimus dorsi) and parallel to the vertebral column to the 1st rib. The fat deposit located at the dorsal edge is removed along with loose muscle tissue.

To be specified:
- Rib number required (4 to 6 ribs).
- Distance from eye muscle.
- M. subscapularis retained or removed.
- Ligamentum nuchae retained or removed.




Chuck - Square Cut (6-rib) en
Aguja es
Basse-côtes fr
rozbratel z kością (6. żeber) pl
Лопаточнаячасть прямоугольной разделки ru
方切肩肉 zh

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