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Object properties

Data properties

  • is published in

    • 2000
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @book{Higginbotham2000-HIGSOE,publisher = {Oxford University Press},pages = {49--52},year = {2000},abstract = {The idea that an adequate semantics of ordinary language calls for some theory of events has sparked considerable debate among linguists and philosophers. On the one hand, so many linguistic phenomena appear to be explained if (and, according to some authors, only if) we make room for logical forms in which reference to or quantification over events is explicitly featured. Examples include nominalization, adverbial modification, tense and aspect, plurals, and singular causal statements. On the other hand, a number of deep philosophical questions arise as soon as we take events into consideration. Are events entities of a kind? What are their identity and individuation criteria? How does semantic theorizing depend on such metaphysical issues? The aim of this book is to address such issues in some depth, with emphasis precisely on the interplay between linguistic applications and philosophical implications. Contributors: N. Asher, P. M. Bertinetto, J. Brandl, D. Delfitto, R. Eckardt, J. Higginbotham, A. Lenci, T. Parsons, A. ter Meulen, H. Verkuyl. A comprehensive introductory essay (pp. 3-47) is included.},number = {1},volume = {43},title = {Speaking of Events},author = {James Higginbotham and Fabio Pianesi and Achille C. Varzi}}@
  • has title

    • Speaking of Events
  • last page

    • 52
  • first page

    • 49