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The Bookkeeper and the Lumberjack. Metaphysical Vs. Nomological Necessity en rdfs:label


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    • 2005
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    • @incollection{Schrenk2005-SCHTBA-2,title = {The Bookkeeper and the Lumberjack. Metaphysical Vs. Nomological Necessity},abstract = {The striking difference between the orthodox nomological necessitation view of laws and the claims made recently by Scientific Essentialism is that on the latter interpretation laws are metaphysically necessary while they are contingent on the basis of the former. This shift is usually perceived as an upgrading: essentialism makes the laws as robust as possible.The aim of my paper---in which I contrast Brian Ellis's Scientific Essentialism and David Armstrong's theory of nomological necessity---is threefold.(1) I first underline the familiar fact that metaphysical necessity (of Kripkean ''water is necessarily H2O'' kind) is not a stronger kind of necessity than nomological necessity but an entirely different kind of thing: nomological, but not metaphysical necessity, is an intra-world necessitation which Armstrong (almost) identifies with causation; metaphysical, but not nomological necessitation, has a canonical link to possible world considerations and counterfactual reasoning. Hence, the change from one necessity to the other is not an upgrading but a substantial shift. (2) I will explain how the essentialists, who promote this shift, are nonetheless able to retain the features of nomological necessity.(3) I also explore, for both the essentialist and the Armstrongian, whether they could extract a modal force from intra-world nomological necessity which it does not have per se. I argue that such a modal force is, indeed, obtainable for them. I will close the paper with some remarks and questions about the relation between Kripkean metaphysical necessity and the modal version of nomological necessity as defined in (3).},author = {Markus Schrenk},editor = {G. Abel},publisher = {Universit\"atsverlag der Technischen Universit\"at},booktitle = {Kreativit\"at. XX. Deutscher Kongress f\"ur Philosophie. Sektionsbeitr\"age Band 1.},year = {2005}}@
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    • The Bookkeeper and the Lumberjack. Metaphysical Vs. Nomological Necessity