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Jer\'onimo Pardo on the Unity of Mental Propositions en rdfs:label


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  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 2009
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @incollection{Perez-Ilzarbe2009-PREJPO,year = {2009},abstract = {Originally motivated by a sophism, Pardo's discussion about the unity of mental propositions allows him to elaborate on his ideas about the nature of propositions. His option for a non-composite character of mental propositions is grounded in an original view about syncategorems: propositions have a syncategorematic signification, which allows them to signify aliquid aliqualiter, just by virtue of the mental copula, without the need of any added categorematic element. Pardo's general claim about the simplicity of mental propositions is developed into several specific thesis about mental propositions: a) it is not judgement which gives its unity to mental propositions, but judicative acts always follow some previous apprehensive act that is simple in its own right; b) this simplicity is compatible with a certain kind of complexity, that can be explained in terms of the "causal history" of the acts of knowing; c) traditional conceptions about subject and predicate must be recast, while keeping their usual explicative power concerning logical properties; d) of course, the traditional conception about the copula has been modified, giving rise to a fully innovative conception of the nature of mental propositions. Nevertheless, this innovative conception of mental language seems still infected by certain "common sense" prejudices, which lead Pardo to propose also a provocative conception of vocal language, which I consider unnecessary.},publisher = {Peeters Publishers},booktitle = {Le langage mental du Moyen \^Age \`a l'\^Age Classique},author = {Paloma P\'erez-Ilzarbe},editor = {J. Biard},title = {Jer\'onimo Pardo on the Unity of Mental Propositions}}@
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    • Jer\'onimo Pardo on the Unity of Mental Propositions