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Ockham on Mind-World Relations: What Sort of Nominalism? en rdfs:label


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  • pierwsza strona

    • 11
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @article{Chignell1997-CHIOOM,title = {Ockham on Mind-World Relations: What Sort of Nominalism?},journal = {Eidos},number = {1},year = {1997},abstract = {(Warning: juvenalia from a grad student journal!). On whether Ockham's nominalism is really nominalistic and whether it faces some of the same problems as later nominalisms.},author = {Andrew Chignell},volume = {14},pages = {11--28}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Ockham on Mind-World Relations: What Sort of Nominalism?
  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 1997
  • ostatnia strona

    • 28