Label Język Typ
"Assertion" and Intentionality en rdfs:label


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Data properties

  • is published in

    • 2010
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Stanley2010-STAAAI-2,title = {\&Quot;assertion" and Intentionality},pages = {87--113},author = {Jason Stanley},volume = {151},number = {1},abstract = {Robert Stalnaker argues that his causal-pragmatic account of the problem of intentionality commits him to a coarse-grained conception of the contents of mental states, where propositions are represented as sets of possible worlds. Stalnaker also accepts the "direct reference" theory of names, according to which co-referring names have the same content. Stalnaker's view of content is thus threatened by Frege's Puzzle. Stalnaker's classic paper "Assertion" is intended to provide a response to this threat. In this paper, I evaluate Stalnaker's claim that the causal-pragmatic account of intentionality commits one to a coarse-grained conception of the contents of mental states, and argue that the apparatus laid out in "Assertion" is not sufficiently comprehensive to account for all versions of Frege's Puzzle},journal = {Philosophical Studies},year = {2010}}@
  • has title

    • "Assertion" and Intentionality
  • last page

    • 113
  • first page

    • 87