Label Język Typ
Tropes, Intensional Relative Clauses, and the Notion of a Variable Object en rdfs:label


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  • is published in

    • 2012
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @incollection{Moltmann2012-MOLTIR,booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Amsterdam Colloquium 2011},abstract = {NPs with intensional relative clauses such as 'the impact of the book John needs to write' pose a significant challenge for trope theory (the theory of particularized properties), since they seem to refer to tropes that lack an actual bearer. This paper proposes a novel semantic analysis of such NPs on the basis of the notion of a variable object. The analysis avoids a range of difficulties that an alternative analysis based on the notion of an individual concept would face.},publisher = {Springer},author = {Friederike Moltmann},editor = {Aloni Maria and Kimmelman Vadim and Weidman Sassoon Galit and Roloefson Floris and Schulz Katrin and Westera Matthjis},year = {2012},title = {Tropes, Intensional Relative Clauses, and the Notion of a Variable Object}}@
  • has title

    • Tropes, Intensional Relative Clauses, and the Notion of a Variable Object