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Can Heil's Ontological Conception Accommodate Complex Properties? en rdfs:label


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    • 2006
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @incollection{Hoffmann2006-HOFCHO,abstract = {A central tenet of Heil's ontological conception is a no-levels account of reality, according to which there is just one class of basic properties and relations, while all higher-level entities are configurations of these base-level entities. I argue that if this picture is not to collapse into an eliminativist picture of the world -- which, I contend, should be avoided --, Heil's ontological framework has to be supplemented by an independent theory of which configurations of basic entities should count as complex entities. However, such an amendment represents a substantial ontological enhancement, so that the ensuing ontological picture is not as parsimonious as Heil claims it to be.},publisher = {ontos verlag},author = {Vera Hoffmann},booktitle = {John Heil. Symposium on his Ontological Point of View},title = {Can Heil's Ontological Conception Accommodate Complex Properties?},editor = {Michael Esfeld},year = {2006}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Can Heil's Ontological Conception Accommodate Complex Properties?