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abstract of Physical Necessity is Not Necessity $<$Em Class="a-Plus-Plus"$>$Tout Court$<$/Em$>$ en rdfs:label


  • zawiera tekst
    • The very last of words of Naming and Necessity are `The third lecture suggests that a good deal of what contemporary philosophy regards as mere physical necessity is actually necessary tout court. The question how far this can be pushed is one I leave for further work.' Kripke (1980). To my knowledge he never conducted that further work; moreover, no one following him has wished to take up the baton either. Herein, I argue that in general, physical necessity is neither reducible to, nor implies, tout court necessity. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that even if Kripke's speculations are restricted to a subset of the physical necessities where it might be granted that all such are necessary tout court, physical necessity is still not reducible to tout court necessity

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