Label Język Typ
Russell on Substitutivity and the Abandonment of Propositions en rdfs:label


Identyczne obiekty


Data properties

  • first page

    • 151
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Proops2011-PROROS,pages = {151--205},title = {Russell on Substitutivity and the Abandonment of Propositions},author = {Ian Proops},volume = {120},number = {2},abstract = {The paper argues that philosophers commonly misidentify the substitutivity principle involved in Russell's puzzle about substitutivity in ''On Denoting'' (the so-called "George IV puzzle"). This matters because when that principle is properly identified the puzzle becomes considerably sharper and more interesting than it is often taken to be. This article describes both the puzzle itself and Russell's solution to it, which involves resources beyond the theory of descriptions. It then explores the epistemological and metaphysical consequences of that solution. One such consequence, it argues, is that Russell must abandon his commitment to propositions.},journal = {Philosophical Review},year = {2011}}@
  • has title

    • Russell on Substitutivity and the Abandonment of Propositions
  • is published in

    • 2011
  • last page

    • 205