Meta Ontology
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jest wyrażony w
On the Place of Artifacts in Ontology
Artefacts and Family Resemblance
The Nature of Artifacts
Artefact Kinds: Ontology and the Human-Made World
How Many Kinds of Glue Hold the Social World Together?
The Ontology of Artefacts: The Hard Problem
On the Ontology of Functions
Eliminativism, Interventionism and the Overdetermination Argument
Real Natures and Familiar Objects
The Metaphysics of Everyday Life: An Essay in Practical Realism
The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences
Referring to Artifacts
The Metaphysics of Malfunction
The Aesthetic Peculiarity of Multifunctional Artefacts
Artifact Categorization. Trends and Problems
Sameness and Substance Renewed
Technology and the Conditions on Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
The Ontology of Artifacts
Arts, Agents, Artifacts: Photography's Automatisms
Vague Objects and the Problem of the Many
Sortals and Criteria of Identity
Social Ontology and the Philosophy of Science
Warum Sich Artefakte Ihrer Marginalisierung Widersetzen
Ready-Mades: Ontology and Aesthetics
Adventures in the Metaontology of Art: Local Descriptivism, Artefacts and Dreamcatchers
Engineering Differences Between Natural, Social, and Artificial Kinds
On the Reality and Causal Efficacy of Familiar Objects
Dimensions of Integration in Embedded and Extended Cognitive Systems
Review of Eric Margolis, Stephen Laurence (Eds.), \_Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representation\_
Authors and Artifacts
Wiggins, Artefact Identity and 'Best Candidate' Theories
On the Twofold Nature of Artefacts
The Importance of Being an Artifact
Pencils Have a Point: Against General Externalism About Artifactual Words
Object Constructivism and Unconstructed Objects
Ordinary Objects
''This is Not Art'' --- Should We Go Revisionist About Works of Art?
Young Children Are Sensitive to How an Object Was Created When Deciding What to Name It
Artefact Kinds Need Not Be Kinds of Artefacts
Conceptual Art, Ideas, and Ontology
Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representation
Musical Materialism
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jest częścią
artifact function
artifact kind
może być węższa niż
może być szersza niż
technical artifact
Data properties