Label Język Typ
Universals and the Methodenstreit: A Re-Examination of Carl Menger's Conception of Economics as an Exact Science en rdfs:label


Identyczne obiekty


Data properties

  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 1997
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @article{Maki1997-MAKUAT,pages = {475--495},volume = {28},author = {U. Maki},number = {3},year = {1997},title = {Universals and the Methodenstreit: A Re-Examination of Carl Menger's Conception of Economics as an Exact Science},journal = {Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Universals and the Methodenstreit: A Re-Examination of Carl Menger's Conception of Economics as an Exact Science
  • ostatnia strona

    • 495
  • pierwsza strona

    • 475