Meta Ontology
concrete universals
Identyczne obiekty
kategoria ontologiczna
Object properties
jest częścią
bundle theory of substance
jest wyrażony w
If Tropes
Particulars in Particular Clothing: Three Trope Theories of Substance
Tropes' Simplicity and Mental Causation
Lewis, Temporary Intrinsics and Momentary Tropes
Dal Nominalismo Al Platonismo. Il Problema Degli Universali Nella Filosofia Contemporanea
A New Defense of Tropes?
Abstract Objects and the Semantics of Natural Language
Infinite Regress Arguments
Tropes With a Kantian Flavor
Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics
Enduring States
Extended Simples and Qualitative Heterogeneity
Two Kinds of Universals and Two Kinds of Collections
Tropes, Particularity, and Space-Time
Laws and Tropes
Resemblance Nominalism: A Solution to the Problem of Universals
Critical Reflections on Three Popular Tropes in the Study of Whiteness
Particularised Attributes
Identificational Sentences
Internal, External and Intra-Individual Relations
The Problem of Trope Individuation: A Reply to Lowe
Population Thinking as Trope Nominalism
Two Concepts of Trope
Defending Musical Perdurantism
Nominalist Constituent Ontologies: A Development and Critique
Sellarsian Particulars
Nominalism and Idealism
Tropes for Causation
A World of Tropes?
Property Counterparts and Natural Class Trope Nominalism
Sprigge's Vindication of Concrete Universals
Reference to Numbers in Natural Language
Tropes, Facts, and Empiricism
Tropes and Other Things
The Individuation of Tropes
The Theory of Concrete Universals (II.)
Laws of Nature, Exceptions and Tropes
Review: If Tropes
Three Trope Theories
The Theory of Concrete Universals (I.)
Properties and Resemblance Classes
The New Ontology of the Mental Causation Debate
Tropes, Necessary Connections, and Non-Transferability
Determinables and Brute Similarities
Against Bare Particulars a Response to Moreland and Pickavance
Tropes, Universals, and the Philosophy of Mind: Essays at the Boundary of Ontology and Philosophical Psychology
Mopes, Dopes, and Tropes
Two Types of Features: An Aristotelian Approach
The Properties of Singular Causation
Degree Structure as Trope Structure: A Trope-Based Analysis of Positive and Comparative Adjectives
The Nature of Properties: Nominalism, Realism, and Trope Theory
Trope Theory and the Bradley Regress
Tropes in Space
Tropes, Bare Demonstratives, and Apparent Statements of Identity
Tropes as Mechanisms
The Ultimate Constituents of the Material World - In Search of an Ontology for Fundamental Physics
Creative Metaphors, Synchronicity, and Quantum Physics
Tropes and Relations
Tropes as Divine Acts: The Nature of Creaturely Properties in a World Sustained by God
On Substances, Accidents and Universals: In Defence of a Constituent Ontology
Abstract Particulars
Vagueness in Sparseness: A Study in Property Ontology
On the Distinction Between Abstract States, Concrete States, and Tropes
Trope Sheaves. A Topological Ontology of Tropes
Natural Properties and Bottomless Determination
Resembling Particulars: What Nominalism?
Dialogue on Alternating Consciousness: From Perception to Infinities and Back to Free Will
Transubstantiation, Tropes and Truthmakers
An Argument for the Existence of Tropes
How to Individuate Universals---Or Not
Can Ontology Do Without Events?
On Concrete Universals: A Modern Treatment Using Category Theory
An\'alisis Nominalista de Una Entidad Que Est\'a Siendo Caracterizada / ''Nominalist Analyses of an Entity Being Charactered
The Universe As We Find It, by John Heil
A World of Fields
Aristotle on Nonsubstantial Individuals
Trope Theory and the Metaphysics of Appearances
Forms and Participants in Plato's Phaedo
Tropes, Intensional Relative Clauses, and the Notion of a Variable Object
On the Compresence of Tropes
A Functionalist Theory of Properties
How to Define Extrinsic Properties
Formal and Existential Analysis of Subject and Properties
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