Label Język Typ
abstract of Natural Kinds and Crosscutting Categories en rdfs:label


  • zawiera tekst
    • There arc many questions that 0nc can ask about categories in scicncc and in common scnsc, and ther are many ways cf construing the claim that some categories arc more ''riatural" than Others. One can ask whether a system cnf categories is innate (for cxamplc, up/down) cnr acquired by learning (bcurgcolsic/proletariat], whcthcr it is thccrctically based (vcrtabratc/nonvcrtcbratc) O1' ad hoc (under onc kilogram/over 0nc kilogram), whether it pcrnalns no a natural phenomenon (plant/animal) or to a social insmituticm \{lcgal/lllcgal), whether in is lcxicalizcd in nanural language (red/bluc\

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