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Anontology and the Issue of Being and Nothing in Nishida Kitar en rdfs:label


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  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @incollection{KrummelForthcoming-KRUAAT-4,title = {Anontology and the Issue of Being and Nothing in Nishida Kitar},author = {John Krummel},abstract = {This chapter will explicate what Nishida means by ''nothing'' (mu, ), as well as ''being'' (y, ), through an exposition of his concept of the ''place of nothing'' (mu no basho). We do so through an investigation of his exposition of ''the place of nothing'' vis-\`avis the self, the world, and God, as it shows up in his epistemology, metaphysics, theology and religious ethics during the various periods of his oeuvre -- in other words, his understanding of nothingness that he takes to be the root of the self, the world, and the religious notion of an absolute or God. We will also indicate some of the sources of his notion from the Eastern and the Western traditions. What unites his view to nothing from the different periods is an existential praxis, and what I call an ''anontology'' that avoids reduction to either opposites of being and non-being (on-mon).},booktitle = {Nothingness in Asian Philosophy},editor = {JeeLoo Liu Douglas L. Berger},year = {forthcoming}}@
  • has title

    • Anontology and the Issue of Being and Nothing in Nishida Kitar