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Leibniz's Argument for the Identity of Indiscernibles in Primary Truths en rdfs:label


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    • 2004
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @incollection{Rodriguez-Pereyra2004-RODLAF-2,year = {2004},publisher = {Franz Steiner Verlag},author = {Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra},booktitle = {Individuals, minds and bodies: themes from Leibniz},title = {Leibniz's Argument for the Identity of Indiscernibles in Primary Truths},abstract = {In this paper I reconstruct Leibniz's argument for the Identity of Indiscernibles in his *Primary Truths*. I criticise the alternative interpretation put forward by Cover and O'Leary-Hawthorne and defend my own interpretation, both on philosophical and hermeneutical grounds.},editor = {M. Carrara and A. M. Nunziante and G. Tomasi}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Leibniz's Argument for the Identity of Indiscernibles in Primary Truths