Label Język Typ
John Buridan and Beyond: Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300-1700 en rdfs:label


Identyczne obiekty


Data properties

  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @book{Friedman2004-FRIJBA,title = {John Buridan and Beyond: Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300-1700},author = {Russell L. Friedman and Sten Ebbesen},abstract = {Introduction STEN EBBESEN In the second half of the 20th century scholarly research uncovered a wealth of interesting medieval discussions about issues ...},publisher = {Commission Agent, C.A. Reitzel},year = {2004}}@
  • has title

    • John Buridan and Beyond: Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300-1700
  • is published in

    • 2004