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Trivial Truthmaking Matters en rdfs:label


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  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 2011
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @article{Hawley2011-HAWTTM,year = {2011},journal = {Philosophy and Phenomenological Research},author = {Katherine Hawley},abstract = {What is true and what is not depends upon how the world is: that there are no white ravens is true because there are no white ravens. That much, Trenton Merricks accepts. But he denies that principles about truthmaking can do any heavy lifting in metaphysics, and he provides powerful, sophisticated arguments for this denial. The hunt for individual truthmakers for specific truths is doomed once we consider negative existentials, and, on the other side of that coin, universal claims. But the weaker claim that truth supervenes upon being either collapses into the platitudes about dependence that even Merricks accepts, or else collapses into the fruitless search for individual truthmakers. The reasoning is complex, yet elegant and clear, and from now on anyone wishing to use truthmaker principles to establish substantive positions in metaphysics will need to grapple with this critique},number = {1},pages = {196--202},volume = {83},title = {Trivial Truthmaking Matters}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Trivial Truthmaking Matters
  • ostatnia strona

    • 202
  • pierwsza strona

    • 196