@article{Balashov2000-BALEAP-2,abstract = {I examine the issue of persistence over time in thecontext of the special theory of relativity (SR). Thefour-dimensional ontology of perduring objects isclearly favored by SR. But it is a different questionif and to what extent this ontology is required, andthe rival endurantist ontology ruled out, by thistheory. In addressing this question, I take theessential idea of endurantism, that objects are whollypresent at single moments of time, and argue that itcommits one to unacceptable conclusions regardingcoexistence, in the context of SR. I then propose anddiscuss a plausible account of coexistence forperduring objects, which is free of these defects. This leaves the endurantist room for some maneuvers. I consider them and show that they do not really helpthe endurantist out. She can accommodate the notionof coexistence in the relativistic framework only atthe cost of renouncing central endurantist intuitions.},pages = {129--166},author = {Yuri Balashov},title = {Enduring and Perduring Objects in Minkowski Space-Time},volume = {99},year = {2000},number = {2},publisher = {Springer Netherlands},journal = {Philosophical Studies}}@
ma tytuł
Enduring and Perduring Objects in Minkowski Space-Time