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The Ultimate Argument Against Armstrong's Contingent Necessitation View of Laws en rdfs:label


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Data properties

  • first page

    • 147
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Bird2005-BIRTUA,author = {Alexander Bird},journal = {Analysis},number = {286},abstract = {I show that Armstrong's view of laws as second-order contingent relations of `necessitation' among categorical properties faces a dilemma. The necessitation relation confers a relation of extensional inclusion (`constant conjunction') on its relata. It does so either necessarily or contingently. If necessarily, it is not a categorical relation (in the relevant sense). If contingently, then an explanation is required of how it confers extensional inclusion. That explanation will need to appeal to a third-order relation between necessitation and extensional inclusion. The same dilemma reappears at this level. Either Armstrong must concede that some properties are not categorical but have essential powers -- or he is faced with a regress.},volume = {65},title = {The Ultimate Argument Against Armstrong's Contingent Necessitation View of Laws},year = {2005},pages = {147--55}}@
  • has title

    • The Ultimate Argument Against Armstrong's Contingent Necessitation View of Laws
  • is published in

    • 2005
  • last page

    • 55