Label Język Typ
Varieties of Necessity en rdfs:label


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  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 2002
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @incollection{Fine2002-FINVON,editor = {Tamar Szabo Gendler and John Hawthorne},title = {Varieties of Necessity},pages = {253--281},year = {2002},publisher = {Oxford Up},author = {Kit Fine},booktitle = {Conceivability and Possibility},abstract = {It is argued that there are three main forms of necessity--the metaphysical, the natural and the normative--and that none of them is reducible to the others or to any other form of necessity. In arguing for a distinctive form of natural necessity, it is necessary to refute a version of the doctrine of scientific essentialism; and in arguing for a distinctive form of normative necessity, it is necessary to refute certain traditional and contemporary versions of ethical naturalism.}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Varieties of Necessity
  • ostatnia strona

    • 281
  • pierwsza strona

    • 253