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Endurantism, Diachronic Vagueness and the Problem of the Many en rdfs:label


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  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 2008
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @article{Miller2008-MILEDV-2,abstract = {A plausible desideratum for an account of the nature of objects, at, and across time, is that it accommodate the phenomenon of vagueness without locating vagueness in the world. A series of arguments have attempted to show that while universalist perdurantism -- which combines a perdurantist account of persistence with an unrestricted mereological account of composition -- meets this desideratum, endurantist accounts do not. If endurantists reject unrestricted composition then they must hold that vagueness is ontological. But if they embrace unrestricted composition they are faced with the problem of the many, and cannot plausibly accommodate vagueness. This paper disambiguates two related sub-problems of the problem of the many, and argues that universalist perdurantism is not superior to universalist endurantism with respect to either of these},pages = {242--253},volume = {89},title = {Endurantism, Diachronic Vagueness and the Problem of the Many},author = {Kristie Miller},year = {2008},number = {2},journal = {Pacific Philosophical Quarterly}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Endurantism, Diachronic Vagueness and the Problem of the Many
  • ostatnia strona

    • 253
  • pierwsza strona

    • 242