@article{Levy2004-LEVEPH,abstract = {Proponents of evolutionary psychology take the existence of humanuniversals to constitute decisive evidence in favor of their view. Ifthe same social norms are found in culture after culture, we have goodreason to believe that they are innate, they argue. In this paper Ipropose an alternative explanation for the existence of humanuniversals, which does not depend on them being the product of inbuiltpsychological adaptations. Following the work of Brian Skyrms, I suggestthat if a particular convention possesses even a very small advantageover competitors, whatever the reason for that advantage, we shouldexpect it to become the norm almost everywhere. Tiny advantages aretranslated into very large basins of attraction, in the language of gametheory. If this is so, universal norms are not evidence for innatepsychological adaptations at all. Having shown that the existence ofuniversals is consistent with the so-called Standard Social ScienceModel, I turn to a consideration of the evidence, to show that thisstyle of explanation is preferable to the evolutionary explanation, atleast with regard to patterns of gender inequality},publisher = {Springer Netherlands},author = {Neil Levy},pages = {459--72},volume = {19},title = {Evolutionary Psychology, Human Universals, and the Standard Social Science Model},journal = {Biology and Philosophy},number = {3},year = {2004}}@
ma tytuł
Evolutionary Psychology, Human Universals, and the Standard Social Science Model