Meta Ontology
natural kind
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Regarding the Mind, Naturally: Naturalist Approaches to the Sciences of the Mental
Remarks on Our Knowledge of Modal Facts
Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change
Necessity and Rigidly Designating Kind Terms
Sets, Species, and Evolution: Comments on Philip Kitcher's "Species"
Natural Kinds and Literary Accomplishments
Discovering the Essences of Natural Kinds
Realism, Anti-Foundationalism and the Enthusiasm for Natural Kinds
The Semantics and Metaphysics of Natural Kinds
Why Hacking is Wrong About Human Kinds
Homology: Homeostatic Property Cluster Kinds in Systematics and Evolution
Natural Kind Terms and Recognitional Capacities
McGinn and Essential Properties of Natural Kinds
The Curious Role of Natural Kind Terms
Chemical Kind Term Reference and the Discovery of Essence
Confusion and Dependence in Uses of History
The Social Construction of What?
Law Necessitarianism and the Importance of Being Intuitive
Rigidity and Kind
Engineering Differences Between Natural, Social, and Artificial Kinds
The Semantics and Metaphysics of Natural Kinds Edited by Helen Beebee and Nigel Sabbarton-Leary
Against the Monism of the Moment: A Reply to Elliott Sober
A Tradition of Natural Kinds
An Anti-Individualistic Semantics for 'Empty' Natural Kind Terms
Rigid Application
Pluralism and Species Concepts, or When Must We Agree with One Another?
Natural Kinds: (Thick) Essentialism or Promiscuous Realism?
The Natural Shiftiness of Natural Kinds
The Elements and Conceptual Change
Names, Natural Kind Terms, and Rigid Designation
Necessity, Essence, and Individuation: A Defense of Conventionalism
Biological Individuality: The Identity and Persistence of Living Entities
Indigenous and Scientific Kinds
Arthritis and Nature's Joints
Kripke: Names, Necessity, and Identity
Beyond Rigidity: The Unfinished Semantic Agenda of Naming and Necessity
Locke's Theory of Classification
Realism, Natural Kinds, and Philosophical Methods
Natural Kinds, Laws of Nature and Scientific Methodology
Is 'Natural Kind' a Natural Kind Term?
Water is Not H 2 O
8 Naturalizing Kinds
Biochemical Kinds
On the Abuse of the Necessary a Posteriori
A Different Kind of Natural Kind
Natural Kinds
Chicken, Eggs, and Speciation
Boundaries in Reality
General Terms as Designators : A Defence of the View
Species, Higher Taxa, and the Units of Evolution
The Poverty of the Linnaean Hierarchy: A Philosophical Study of Biological Taxonomy
Biological Kinds and the Causal Theory of Reference
Joseph LaPorte, Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change
Language and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language
Functional Kinds-A Skeptical Look
The Meaning of 'Meaning'
Naming, Necessity, and Natural Kinds
Natural Kind Terms and Standards of Membership
What Are Natural Kinds?
Natural Kinds and Crosscutting Categories
Macromolecular Pluralism
Hacking on the Looping Effects of Psychiatric Classifications: What is an Interactive and Indifferent Kind?
Human Rights Theory Rooted in the Writings of Thomas Aquinas
The Living Individual and its Kind
An Experiential Account of Creativity
Kinds of People: Moving Targets
Temporal Externalism, Natural Kind Terms, and Scientifically Ignorant Communities
The Philosophy of Creativity
Crosscutting Natural Kinds and the Hierarchy Thesis
The Semantics of Names and Natural Kind Terms
Manifest Kinds
Natural Kinds in Evolution and Systematics: Metaphysical and Epistemological Considerations
Anas Platyrhynchos and 'Classical Gas'
Refining the Causal Theory of Reference for Natural Kind Terms
Qu'est-Ce Qu'une Montagne ? [What is a Mountain?]
Heidegger the Metaphysician: ModesofBeing and Grundbegriffe
Ontology with Human Subjects Testing: An Empirical Investigation of Geographic Categories
What's Wrong with the New Biological Essentialism
Essences, Kinds, and Laws of Nature
On the Necessity of Natural Kinds
Three Kinds of Social Kinds
When Traditional Essentialism Fails
Ohne Satz Vom Widerspruch Keine Entit\"at -- Der Satz Vom Widerspruch Als Strukturformel der Realit\"at
Essentialism and Reference to Kinds: Three Issues in Penelope Mackie'show Things Might Have Been: Individuals, Kinds, and Essential Properties
Using Natural-Kind Essentialism to Defend Dispositionalism
Naming, Necessity, and Natural Kinds
Millikan's Historical Kinds
Non-Analytic Conceptual Knowledge
The World in Itself: Neither Uniform nor Physical
Identity Statements and the Necessary a Posteriori
Interactive Kinds
On Clear and Confused Ideas: An Essay About Substance Concepts
The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences
A Posteriori Knowledge of Natural Kind Essences
Kinds, General Terms, and Rigidity: A Reply to LaPorte
Rigid Kind Terms
Names and Natural Kind Terms
Natural Kinds and Real Essences
Have Species Become Declasse?
Promiscuous Objects, Hybrid Truth and Scientific Realism
Natural Kinds and Biological Taxa
Identity and Natural Kinds
Units of Measurement and Natural Kinds: Some Kripkean Considerations
The Special Science Dilemma and How Culture Solves It
A Slim Book About Narrow Content
Natural Kinds and Naturalised Kantianism
Natural Kind Essentialism Revisited
The Cladistic Solution to the Species Problem
The Commonalities Between Proper Names and Natural Kind Terms : A Fregean Perspective
How Many Kinds of Glue Hold the Social World Together?
Disjunctive Predicates
Natural Categories and Human Kinds
Putnam's Traditional Neo-Essentialism
Can the World Help Us in Fixing the Reference of Natural Kind Terms?
Species, Essences and the Names of Natural Kinds
Analytical Philosophy in Comparative Perspective
Natural Kinds and Classification in Scientific Practice
Nondescriptionality and Natural Kind Terms
The Four-Category Ontology: A Metaphysical Foundation for Natural Science
Concepts and Reference: Defending a Dual Theory of Natural Kind Concepts
Externalism and a Posteriori Semantics
Carving Nature at its Joints: Natural Kinds in Metaphysics and Science
Monophyly, Paraphyly, and Natural Kinds
The Classifications of Living Beings
Theoretical Identity Statements, Their Truth, and Their Discovery
Theories of Natural Kind Term Reference and Empirical Psychology
Colocated Objects, Tally-Ho: A Solution to the Grounding Problem
Scientific Enquiry and Natural Kinds: From Planets to Mallards
Natural Kinds as Categorical Bottlenecks
The World as One of a Kind: Natural Necessity and Laws of Nature
The Meanings of Natural Kind Terms
Kripke and Putnam on Natural Kind Terms
Reading Putnam
Essentialism, History, and Biological Taxa
Unlikely Bedfellows? Putnam and Hegel on Natural Kind Terms
Natural Kinds
Empirically-Informed Modal Rationalism
Naming Natural Kinds
Could There Have Been Unicorns?
What Externalists Should Say About Dry Earth
Biological Species: Natural Kinds, Individuals, or What?
Darwinian Metaphysics: Species and the Question of Essentialism
What If Reality has No Architecture?
Dividing Reality
Ways of Pastmaking
Pragmatism, Science and Naturalism
Note on Howard Sankey's "Induction and Natural Kinds"
Water =H 2 O
Metaphysics and the Origin of Species
Millikan and Her Critics
Putnam's Doctrine of Natural Kind Words and Frege's Doctrines of Sense, Reference, and Extension: Can They Cohere?
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