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Cognitive Products and the Semantics of Attitude Verbs and Deontic Modals en rdfs:label


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    • @incollection{MoltmannForthcoming-MOLCPA,editor = {Friederike Moltmann and Mark Textor},author = {Friederike Moltmann},title = {Cognitive Products and the Semantics of Attitude Verbs and Deontic Modals},year = {forthcoming},publisher = {Oxford University Press},abstract = {This paper argues for a semantic account of attitude reports and deontic modals based on the notion of a cognitive product, as opposed to the notion of an abstract proposition or a cognitive act.},booktitle = {Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional Content. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Cognitive Products and the Semantics of Attitude Verbs and Deontic Modals