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Unbound Anaphoric Pronouns: E-Type, Dynamic, and Structured-Propositions Approaches en rdfs:label


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  • jest opublikowany w roku

    • 2006
  • ma metadane w formacie Bibtex

    • @article{Moltmann2006-MOLUAP,volume = {153},year = {2006},number = {2},journal = {Synthese},abstract = {Unbound anaphoric pronouns or `E-type pronouns' have presented notorious problems for semantic theory, leading to the development of dynamic semantics, where the primary function of a sentence is not considered that of expressing a proposition that may act as the object of propositional attitudes, but rather that of changing the current information state. The older, `E-type' account of unbound anaphora leaves the traditional notion of proposition intact and takes the unbound anaphor to be replaced by a full NP whose semantics is assumed to be known (e.g. a definite description). In this paper, I argue that there are serious problems with any version of the E-type account as well as the (original form of the) dynamic account. I will explore a new account based on structured propositions, which can be considered a conservative extension of a traditional proposition-based semantics, but which at the same time incorporates some crucial insights of the dynamic account.},author = {Friederike Moltmann},pages = {199--260},title = {Unbound Anaphoric Pronouns: E-Type, Dynamic, and Structured-Propositions Approaches}}@
  • ma tytuł

    • Unbound Anaphoric Pronouns: E-Type, Dynamic, and Structured-Propositions Approaches
  • ostatnia strona

    • 260
  • pierwsza strona

    • 199