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Reasons and Divine Action: A Dilemma en rdfs:label


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    • @incollection{RiceForthcoming-RICRAD-3,abstract = {Many theistic philosophers conceive of God's activity in agent-causal terms. That is, they view divine action as an instance of (perhaps the paradigm case of) substance causation. At the same time, many theists endorse the claim that God acts for reasons, and not merely wantonly. It is the aim of this paper to show that a commitment to both theses gives rise to a dilemma. I present the dilemma and then spend the bulk of the paper defending its premises. I conclude with some suggestions for how one might carve out an alternative model of divine action.},editor = {Kevin Timpe Dan Speak},booktitle = {Free Will and Theism: Connections, Contingencies, and Concerns},author = {Rebekah L. H. Rice},title = {Reasons and Divine Action: A Dilemma},year = {forthcoming},publisher = {Oxford University Press}}@
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    • Reasons and Divine Action: A Dilemma