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Truthmakers: A Tale of Two Explanatory Projects en rdfs:label


Identyczne obiekty


Data properties

  • is published in

    • 2011
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Schulte2011-SCHTAT-14,pages = {413--431},volume = {181},title = {Truthmakers: A Tale of Two Explanatory Projects},author = {Peter Schulte},year = {2011},journal = {Synthese},abstract = {Truthmakers are supposed to explain the truth of propositions, but it is unclear what kind of explanation truthmakers can provide. In this paper, I argue that `truthmaker explanations' conflate two different explanatory projects. The first project is essentially concerned with truth, while the second project is concerned with reductive explanation. It is the latter project, I maintain, which is really central to truthmaking theory. On this basis, a general account of truthmaking can be formulated, which, when combined with a specific theory of reduction (the `conceptual entailment approach'), yields a new analysis of truthmaking. This analysis is intuitively appealing and avoids the problem of necessary truths, which poses a serious obstacle for standard accounts.},number = {3}}@
  • has title

    • Truthmakers: A Tale of Two Explanatory Projects
  • last page

    • 431
  • first page

    • 413