@article{Fuhrmann2010-FUHRET,year = {2010},number = {1-2},publisher = {N\'ucleo de Epistemologia E L\'ogica -- Nel, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina -- Ufsc},journal = {Principia},abstract = {The paradox of propositiOns, presented in Appenclix B of Russell's The Principies of Mathernatics (1903), is usually taken as Russell's principal motive, at the time, for moving from a simple to a ramified theory of types. I argue that this view is mistaken. A closer study of Russell's correspondence with Frege reveals that Russell carne to adopt a very different resolution of the paradox, calling into question not the simplicity of his early type theory but the simplicity of his early theory of propositions},volume = {5},author = {Andr\'e Fuhrmann},title = {Russell\textasciiacutes Early Type Theory and the Paradox of Propositions},pages = {19--42}}@
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Russell\textasciiacutes Early Type Theory and the Paradox of Propositions