Label Język Typ
Universal Core Semantic Layer en rdfs:label


Identyczne obiekty


Data properties

  • first page

    • 1
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @incollection{Smith2009-SMIUCS,pages = {1--5},year = {2009},publisher = {CEUR, vol. 555},booktitle = {Ontology for the Intelligence Community, Proceedings of the Third OIC Conference},author = {Barry Smith and Lowell Vizenor and James Schoening},editor = ,title = {Universal Core Semantic Layer},abstract = {The Universal Core (UCore) is a central element of the National Information Sharing Strategy that is supported by multiple U.S. Federal Government Departments, by the intelligence community, and by a number of other national and international institutions. The goal of the UCore initiative is to foster information sharing by means of an XML schema providing consensus representations for four groups of universally understood terms under the headings who, what, when, and where. We here describe a project to create an ontology-based supporting layer for UCore, entitled `Universal Core Semantic Layer' (UCore SL), and describe how UCore SL can be applied to further UCore's information sharing goals.}}@
  • has title

    • Universal Core Semantic Layer
  • is published in

    • 2009
  • last page

    • 5