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The Properties of Singular Causation en rdfs:label


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  • first page

    • 112
  • has Bibtex metadata

    • @article{Nanay2009-NANTPO-2,journal = {The Monist},title = {The Properties of Singular Causation},year = {2009},number = {1},author = {Bence Nanay},abstract = {Theories of singular causation have a genuine problem with properties. In virtue of what property do events (or facts) cause other events? One possible answer to this question, Davidson's, is that causal relations hold between particulars and properties play no role in the way a particular causes another. According to another, recently fashionable answer, in contrast, events cause other events in virtue of having a trope (as opposed to a property-type). Both views face serious objections. My aim in this paper is to combine these two very different solutions to the problem of the properties of singular causation and to argue that this combined view can avoid objections against both of them},volume = {92},pages = {112--132}}@
  • has title

    • The Properties of Singular Causation
  • is published in

    • 2009
  • last page

    • 132